If your parents died how would u feel


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first i want to say that i'm a norwood 3 and i'm 22 i'll be 23 in may i'v let hairloss handicap me, for the last 3 years i think the depression hairloss brings can seriously deter your looks even more, however the thing that keeps me up at night is that if anything was to happen i would never be able to forgive myself, my mother and father have done everything for me, i'm at med school and the last 2 years iv come a hair away(excuse the pun) from being thrown out of the university because i constantly thought about the hairloss, i know damn well if i were to be thrown out of university tommorow and i was to find myself in a less then satisfactory trade my parents would be heart broken because they know i could have done better, if anything was to happen to them i would carry the guilt for the rest of my life and that would be worse then any hair loss bullshit
hairloss isnt a big deal unless you make it an issue you can do whatever you want and be whoever you want as long as you keep focused i'm at med school and iv been battaling it since 20 imagine how bad it is for me my entire furture rests on this course its a struggle i'm faced with on a daily basis


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Bro,I am going through some of the same as you but I don't go to med school I am a student of life sciences.After this year,I would have to do my masters and if I blow this opportunity,I can kiss goodbye to happiness.I have let my family down on many occasions but I have never even considered male pattern baldness to be more important than the lives of my loved ones.Most guys would not feel comfortable relating male pattern baldness with the lives of their parents.I dont know how this is going to make them feel any better....


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So are you worried that your parents will die or are you worried that you'll get kicked out of med school? I don't really understand how any of that relates to hair loss.


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I think you should take hair loss as an opportunity to excel at school. I was dealing with hair loss in college but it wasn't as bad as now. However, I'll be in law school this fall and I know I'm gonna kick ***. Why? Because since I'm bald now I don't go out and get drunk on weekends like I did in college. So I'll be hitting the books on many weekend nights instead of wasting brain cells. I can see how balding can take a toll on your looks and dating life, but try not to let it affect you in school.


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I want to add that lots of people would probably say my attitude is the wrong one and probably unhealthy. They would say, as my family does, that I shouldn't let baldness affect me so much and I should still go out and have fun. Maybe they are right, but they don't know what it's like to lose hair young. I was a pretty good looking guy and had my run with some pretty hot girls, now with hair loss I am invisible to them. I don't see the point of going out, wasting money, time, brain cells and liver cells, when I can be doing something constructive elsewhere. I am single atm and I know I'll never find a girl at shallow places like bars and clubs. I'd rather improve myself in other ways because I know the woman I marry I will find at school or a job. She will have to like me because I'm a nice, smart guy and overlook the fact that I'm going bald. In a club, with loud music, how can I show a girl my personality? She'll just see I'm balding and run away. Thats why partying on weekends is a waste of time in my book.


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Nene said:
I want to add that lots of people would probably say my attitude is the wrong one and probably unhealthy. They would say, as my family does, that I shouldn't let baldness affect me so much and I should still go out and have fun. Maybe they are right, but they don't know what it's like to lose hair young. I was a pretty good looking guy and had my run with some pretty hot girls, now with hair loss I am invisible to them. I don't see the point of going out, wasting money, time, brain cells and liver cells, when I can be doing something constructive elsewhere. I am single atm and I know I'll never find a girl at shallow places like bars and clubs. I'd rather improve myself in other ways because I know the woman I marry I will find at school or a job. She will have to like me because I'm a nice, smart guy and overlook the fact that I'm going bald. In a club, with loud music, how can I show a girl my personality? She'll just see I'm balding and run away. Thats why partying on weekends is a waste of time in my book.

Well it is'nt quite so simple you see I also suffered from aggressive hairloss at a very young age and I can say that spending my entire 20's not having any fun but instead concentrating on work ect has left me in a good position financially but in a poor position emotionally.
People always tell you to study, work hard ect but you really need to have a balance. You need to experience both you're only young once you will rgret it if you dont enjoy yourself, you cant get this time back :( .

uncomfortable man

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Has the OP ever read Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger?


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s.a.f said:
Nene said:
I want to add that lots of people would probably say my attitude is the wrong one and probably unhealthy. They would say, as my family does, that I shouldn't let baldness affect me so much and I should still go out and have fun. Maybe they are right, but they don't know what it's like to lose hair young. I was a pretty good looking guy and had my run with some pretty hot girls, now with hair loss I am invisible to them. I don't see the point of going out, wasting money, time, brain cells and liver cells, when I can be doing something constructive elsewhere. I am single atm and I know I'll never find a girl at shallow places like bars and clubs. I'd rather improve myself in other ways because I know the woman I marry I will find at school or a job. She will have to like me because I'm a nice, smart guy and overlook the fact that I'm going bald. In a club, with loud music, how can I show a girl my personality? She'll just see I'm balding and run away. Thats why partying on weekends is a waste of time in my book.

Well it is'nt quite so simple you see I also suffered from aggressive hairloss at a very young age and I can say that spending my entire 20's not having any fun but instead concentrating on work ect has left me in a good position financially but in a poor position emotionally.
People always tell you to study, work hard ect but you really need to have a balance. You need to experience both you're only young once you will rgret it if you dont enjoy yourself, you cant get this time back :( .

I hear what you're saying SAF. I was a bit luckier than you because I at least had good hair into my mid 20s and I had plenty of fun, maybe too much fun, in my late teens and early 20s. Now I'm almost 26 and I feel like I'm ready to get serious and bust my *** in school and in a career. It's a bit sad that I can't really have fun anymore, but honestly with this crap hair I have now I don't even see how I can have fun.