If you're a baldy and you know it clap your hands, clap clap

The Gardener

Senior Member
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If you're a baldy and you know it clap your hands
clap clap
If you're a baldy and you know it clap your hands
clap clap

If you're a baldy and you know it
your bald head does surely show it!
You're a baldy and you know it clap your hands
clap clap!

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Thanks, Ty. I like it too.. and obviously Steve Austin does as well.. and as for Chewy, he is LOVING it


it's kinda dirty, I makes me happy..you know...downstairs, must go now....


Established Member
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*Stolen lyrics*

I got no hairs upon my head
but that don't mean I'm bald.
All's it means is the dadgum things
don't come when they is called.

I guess they could of left for good
but it still don't mean I'm bald.
A man who's parted with the hair that he started with
is what I druther be called.

Call me "Chrome Dome" call me "Slap Top"
call me a bowling ball.
But as a rule, unless your cruel,
you shouldn't call me bald.


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I love Rammstein... ICH WILL!