If you've already had gynecomastia


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would it be wise to take propecia? I heard gynecomastia is a side effect of the drug, would that fact that I've already had it increase my chances?

I'd much rather go bald then go through that again.


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Napoleon said:
would it be wise to take propecia? I heard gynecomastia is a side effect of the drug, would that fact that I've already had it increase my chances?

I'd much rather go bald then go through that again.

I wouldn't risk it. How did you get it before? If it's your natural hormonic state that put you at risk of gyno, going on propecia would just be a bad idea. Others may disagree.


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Hey Napoleon did you have pseudogynecomastia or gynecomastia? The reason I ask is because a lot of men automatically think man boobs as gynecomastia which cause by changes in the balance of 2 hormones: ESTROGEN & TESTOSTERONE . Also may cause from prescription drugs, illegal drugs,over the counter medicine , tumors and deseases. Now pseudogynecomastia which men develop fat under their chest which cause by unhealthy diet, lack of exercise or basically just extra fat but if you did have gynecomastia in the past I wouldn't take the risk of propecia not unless hair is more important than your body.


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Napoleon said:
would it be wise to take propecia? I heard gynecomastia is a side effect of the drug, would that fact that I've already had it increase my chances?

I'd much rather go bald then go through that again.

Actually in the Propecia trials there was no difference between the treatment group and the placebo group in the incidence of gynecomastia. But yes, this is a theoretical possibility with 5ARI drugs (amongst others).


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This is a really good topic to discuss.

From being aged 16+ I had Gyno, and about 3 years ago I underwent corrective surgery (cost about £3000/$6000.) For the record - I got an excellent result. :) I presume you've had some sort of surgery/treatment too Napoleon?!

These days - its the whole male pattern baldness that's getting me down.... I started taking Propecia 2 months ago and didn't think twice about the gyno re-occurring. Here's why - A.) From what I've read, once you have had surgery and had all the fat and grisle formation removed, Gyno will NOT return. B.) If Gyno DOES re-develop whilst taking Propecia, if you STOP the treatment early enough the gyno will resolve itself and dissapear.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still a little conscious of this prominent (no pun intended) side effect and do check daily to see if there is any fat gradually building up around my chest area again..... but I'm glad to report everything is fine at the moment. **touch wood**

Right now, my priorities lie in restoring/maintaining my hair. If hairloss isn't a big issue with you and your pretty much happy the way you are, then by all means don't bother start taking Propecia. If you do choose to take it, then you WILL run the risk of suffering from it's (potential) side effects - no matter how rare they may be. If Gyno is something you couldn't bare going through again..... Propecia is not for you.

You have to face the cold hard fact though - if you DON'T take action against you hairloss you WILL loose it - more likely sooner rather than later.

With me being so young (24) hairloss has dinted my confidence WAY more than gyno ever did. No matter whom I with (even my family) I'm always extremely conscious of my hair and find myself looking for a mirror at least every 60mins to make sure my hair is looking "not as bad."

At least with Gyno - you can hide it....

Napoleon, from reading you post - I think you've already decided Propecia is probably not for you.