I'll just leave this here... :whistle:


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finfighter said:
s.a.f said:

Thanks for sharing, some thing's are the same accross the pond. Wouldn't be nice if there was just one country in the world where male pattern baldness was accepted, even by women?

I did have a hard time understanding some of their accents, do you have a hard time understanding American english accents?

Why didn't he shave the horseshoe and beard off?


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I could hardly understand that, but from what I could understand it was pretty depressing. Is there more to it?


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Re: I'll just leave this here... :wistle:

Yeah the original programme was 30min long. But that was kind of the highlights, he also went to see Feller who told him that he could'nt give him a full head of hair. And he tried a wig and went to visit some female journalist who wrote a disparaging article about Jude laws balding then halfway through the interview he whips off the wig.


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Oknow said:
Why didn't he shave the horseshoe and beard off?

In the end (well buzzes it shorter) he does but it makes little difference just makes him look a bit smarter. But I dont see that as a solution, its like if you lost half of your teeth would you pull out the remaing ones just to make it look more uniformed?


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I dunno, it was on tv over here about 4 yrs ago but I just found that clip.

uncomfortable man

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Recalls the segment in the mall where all of the public reactions like starring, laughing and turning around to stare some more as being strangely familiar to my own personal experience. Video proof right there that this kind of behavior does not just reside inside the inflicted's mind. This is a real phenomenon that bald men experience..... public humiliation.
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Yeah I remember this when it first aired on BBC3 a couple of years back.

Felt for the guy when they did the "guess my age" segment as being told you look 41 when you're only 26 is just F-ING brutal. Now fair enough the girl who said he was 41 was a teenager so she's probably not the best judge but even the slightly more maturer people he asked had him down in his early to mid thirties. male pattern baldness is just F'd up! It can easily add on a decade or more to a guys appearance and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. :shakehead:

Nice display of tact by his mate as well. He'd hate to go bald because he'd look like a "knob". :jackit: Yeah, that will surely do wonders for his confidence.

With friends like that who needs enemies? :dunno:


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s.a.f said:
Oknow said:
Why didn't he shave the horseshoe and beard off?

In the end (well buzzes it shorter) he does but it makes little difference just makes him look a bit smarter. But I dont see that as a solution, its like if you lost half of your teeth would you pull out the remaing ones just to make it look more uniformed?

Yeah sure.

But it looks much better then what he had, and maybe the age related question results would have came out differently if he didn't grow out his horseshoe.


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I dont think they'd have come out that differently, No one would have guessed his real age.
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The horsehoe definitely accentuates the baldness but as s.a.f says not a chance in hell anyone would have guessed his real age even with his hair buzzed.

All to a man (and woman) when asked why they thought he was early/mid 30's ascribed it to his hairloss. They took nothing else into account apart from the lack of his hair on his head and concluded from that he must be in his mid 30's. Absolutely brutal!

This clip from a personal standpoint serves as an all too sobering reminder of what sort of life I'm in for. Unfortunately, my Dad was at around the same stage of hairloss at the same age as the chap in the clip and I'm following suit. In around 4/5 years or so it will be me trying to convince people I'm really only in my mid 20's and not my mid 30's. :puke:

Also I'd like to think that there is a degree of educational value to this clip. Maybe now we'll be spared a lot of the BS posited on here from guys who by all accounts are NW2 (not naming any names :whistle: ) saying it's all about having more confidence or you just have to get out there and try harder.

G k

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poor poor guy...

The thing is that his face is actually quite attractive...



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On a more positive note:

"Perhaps a sexier man, more attractive to the opposite sex. To find out, I took my wig to a speed dating event in Manchester, where I spoke to eight women with my hair on and eight women without it.

"What do you look for in a man?" I asked, patting my head every few minutes to ensure the toupee hadn't slipped to an awkward angle. Personality, said the first of my dates, and a sense of humour.

No mention of hair, or the lack thereof, until off came the wig. "I love bald men," I was told twice. "Vin Diesel is well fit," said another.

The event ended with hugs and saucy compliments about my naked scalp, helping me realise that bald could equal sexy. And the wig made me feel like a traitor to myself - it was time to embrace my baldness. My GP was right - I just needed to get over losing my hair.

While surveys show that British bald men are more ashamed of their hair-loss than our European cousins, the opposite sex seems to see nothing to be ashamed of. But I feel that bald men will only walk tall when the insults fade and there are no more false promises from shonky treatments."

EDIT: From another source
"However, after doing some speed dating bald and non-bald, and then putting a bald and non-bald pic on 'hot or not' and seeing what rating he got, it became apparent that people seemed to prefer him bald. Mainly because it was an extrememly flattering photo he put up of himself bald, and the speed dating women were drunk. I thought he looked better with hair." :(
http://lightupvirginmary.blogspot.com/2 ... -head.html


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CaptainForehead said:
On a more positive note:

"Perhaps a sexier man, more attractive to the opposite sex. To find out, I took my wig to a speed dating event in Manchester, where I spoke to eight women with my hair on and eight women without it.
"What do you look for in a man?" I asked, patting my head every few minutes to ensure the toupee hadn't slipped to an awkward angle. Personality, said the first of my dates, and a sense of humour.

No mention of hair, or the lack thereof, until off came the wig. "I love bald men," I was told twice. "Vin Diesel is well fit," said another.
The event ended with hugs and saucy compliments about my naked scalp, helping me realise that bald could equal sexy. And the wig made me feel like a traitor to myself - it was time to embrace my baldness. My GP was right - I just needed to get over losing my hair.

EDIT: From another source
"However, after doing some speed dating bald and non-bald, and then putting a bald and non-bald pic on 'hot or not' and seeing what rating he got, it became apparent that people seemed to prefer him bald. Mainly because it was an extrememly flattering photo he put up of himself bald, and the speed dating women were drunk. I thought he looked better with hair." :(
http://lightupvirginmary.blogspot.com/2 ... -head.html

You cant really take the word of women when they have a tv camera there. Of course they'll say to a bald man that they dont mind (before going home to their NW1 boyfreinds) but I wonder how many of them really would see their ideal man as bald. I wonder how many of those girls gave him their number? And of course theres the obligatory 'Vin Diesel' reference. :roll:

The opposite sex seems to see nothing to be ashamed of

Because they dont have to face it themselves, lets see how cool about it those same women would feel if they were facing life with a horseshoe.


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People are cruel. Thankfully not all are like that. I feel for the guy in the video though. I wonder why he never tried finasteride or minoxidil? They must have been around at the time if his balding.

He would probably look better, having a closer cut and shaving the beard.

He may also benefit from EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to get over his loss.


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Anyway .... :whistle:

Clearly what he's trying to do is show how it effects the sufferer and give non balding people a chance to understand how distressing/upsetting it can be.

Will it have any impact on them?

..... Will it F#CK :thumbdown2:


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If he trimmed down the hair with a clipper or shaved it with a razor and also maybe trimming his beard a little, he would look younger as well as getting more pussy. Definitely! Only Jason Statham can wear a grow out horsehoe with pride.


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CaptainForehead said:
EDIT: From another source
"However, after doing some speed dating bald and non-bald, and then putting a bald and non-bald pic on 'hot or not' and seeing what rating he got, it became apparent that people seemed to prefer him bald. Mainly because it was an extrememly flattering photo he put up of himself bald, and the speed dating women were drunk. I thought he looked better with hair." :(
http://lightupvirginmary.blogspot.com/2 ... -head.html

Why didn't you include this part?:

He did look a lot better totally bald as opposed to 'tufty' and it was good that he finally accepted himself the way he was. He was good-looking anyway though, so I don't think it was really that bad for him. It's harder to pull of a bald head if you're ugly. Perhaps I should rephrase that. Nah.. it's true, isn't it?!"