I'll start documenting my Mag gro regime


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I know this is experimental, and I know this is a vain attempt, but I'll start a regular routine of using Mag gro and document it here. For those of you who haven't seen one, here's what it looks like:

Look like it might be painful to use? Yes, it was! I am on day 4 already, so I'll tell my short story with it so far.....

Day 1: (Friday) I got MG in the mail. Considering its small size, it's very heavy. I opened it up and started my first pass over my head with it. You are supposed to apply pressure when you use it, but its weight alone supplies plenty of it. I could not even describe this feeling as a massage. It was more like a painful stabbing that made tears well up in my eyes. My scalp became very angry with this punishment that it became pink and very hot. You are only supposed to do this for 30-45 seconds for this very reason. The manual predicted this reaction to a T.

For the rest of that day, even after just one use, my scalp was very aggravated. It pulsated & throbbed, and stayed warm. Their claim to increase blood to the scalp was exactly that- to an extent I didn't expect.

Day 2: I used it first thing in the morning after brushing my teeth, a routine that they suggest you get into. Still very painful to use. The warm throbbing effect lasted a few hours again.

Used it again that evening, still hurt like hell. It no longer felt like stabbing, just a really intense massage. I noticed that using his thing really aggravated the oil in my scalp. The oil was distributed through my hair making it look greasy. MG's claim is that it gives your hair a "healthy shine". Well yes, oil does shine your hair. But too much of anything isn't great. I don't really like this side effect, if that's what you want to call it.

Day 3 & 4: I combined these 2 days because I didn't notice any drastic difference. The rolling is no longer painful, in fact I really like how it feels on the top, sides, and back of my head. It's a pleasant feeling to look forward to doing.

My only real problem is my hairline. The manual says to use it all over, including your forehead to massage your hailine. That is still very tough to do, as the pain is brilliant & intense when I go over it. I find myself unconsciously going much slower over my hairline, it hurts that much.

This is all I've got so far, 4 days. I'll keep up a regular routine and let you guys know of any changes or progress. I'm going to register with an uploading site to get some before pics up here. I'll keep this up until I get totally sick of using it or if I end up with some really negative results.

Due to recent forum experiences, you guys need to know I'm an ordinary dude who bought this thing because I saw the ad for it. I don't have anything to do with the MG company other than the fact that they got my 40 bucks for the thing.

This device will probably end up being a 40 dollar paperweight, but hey, this section is about experimentation, right? Wish me luck, I'll need it.


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Good post!
Keep us updated! :punk:


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Thanks, I will. What I'm going to try to do is make it part of my daily routine and just not think about it.

The fact that my scalp is getting used to it isn't what I consider "progress" but the manual claims it is. Here is what MG claims it does....

-Intensify blood flow in your scalp

-Stop hair loss

-Make your hair shiny

-Regrow hair

-Reduce or prevent gray hair

So far it has done 2 of the 5 things: It make the blood come to a boiling rage in my scalp, very intensely & painfully at first. And it make made my hair shine...by making it oily which just made me want t wash it out. They claim the other 3 things come with continued use. That's going to be a while.


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I am thinking about buying one..FTW! I want bloodflow there also? Do you think you can roll it and then apply minoxidil after?? BTW f*** you Bubka.. Everything is spam now... I don't give a sh*t. Bubka, you are like spam anyways..just another kind...like f*****g annoying and useless one.. You are just here to pick on people and make yourself looking more intelligent by your stupid silly comments. You are probably somebody without self-esteem or any kind of social life. A little defeatist.


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LOL! Yeah, that's it. I couldn't post that pic for some reason. And yeah, the whole magnet thing is probably useless. I think that is also why the thing is so heavy.