
im 11 years old and losing my hair kinda stinks


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hi my name is jesse and i am a girl hehe . i have alopecia totalis. i lost my hair when i was 6 the first time in first grade. it wasnt really a big deal because i was little and didnt really care. my teachers just told the whole class and that just seemed to be it. when i was in second grade my hair was starting to come back in. i was excited! i did have one kid who bothered me and she sat by me on the bus. one time i was just sitting there and she yanked off my bandana and you know it kinds stunk. :( that wasnt a verry good day. but my hair eventually came completely back. i didnt lose my eye browls and eyelashes. but now i am 11 and losing my hair again :( again not verry fun. i havent had anyone make fun of me but that is supprising because i am in middleschool and there are a LOT of kids. this time i am going to get a non surgical hair replacement and that just means that i am getting a wig glued onto my head. i was agianst it in the beginning but now i see it is a pretty good idea. i was just wondering if anyone else had it and they could tell me if it was a good idea and if they had any tips. well thank you for at least reading this. i think it will help to hear responses to see if it was a good idea. im gonna go read other peoples stories :jump:


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If you would like you can talk to my son he is 12yrs old and has alopecia areata universalis. you two can be each others support :) let me kow if you're interested he is on fb. And yeh it does stink to have that :band:

dipak fakira

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Hi I have a 10year old daughter and she has alopecia totalis .
This is her 2nd hair loss. if you want inbox me and I'll ask her to reply to any questions you may have.also you may able to support each other in your situation.
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Hi Jesse! Just wanted you to know that you are not alone! I am a girl too, just call me Queen! When I was a little girl, I too lost my hair. At first, it was only in spots (areata). It would always grow back! Then for a long time, I had no problem. At the age of 28, I totally lost it ALL! ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS FULL BLAST! Boy was it devastating! I did not know what to do! I just knew that I would never go outside again! So I called one of my friends who owned a hair store and they closed the store for the afternoon to give me some privacy and to help me deal with what was happening! I tried everything! First I started off with wigs costing approximately $35.00. Well, those just were not good enough! I started looking around at all the other women and I wanted to wear my hair swept up. With that, I had to get something like what you are talking about. So I went to New Jersey and they made a mold of my head to create a wig that would fit tight and snug. $1,500.00 tight and snug. Money was no object, I wanted what I wanted. Well, that only lasted for a little while. My head became irritated and sore. My head needed to breathe! So the next time, I bought a wig (human hair)! Cost was $400.00. Not so bad! What I realized was that no matter how much the wig cost, they all lasted about the same amount of time. I am now 50 years old, so I have been dealing with Universalis for more than 20 years. What I have learned is that I AM BEAUTIFUL! INSIDE AND OUT AND SO ARE YOU! The key is to embrace your hair loss. Don't let it take control of you! WE NEVER HAVE BAD HAIR DAYS! When you get a little older, you will be glad you don't have to shave or sit in the beauty salon for hours. You as a young lady will grow into a beautiful woman! You will learn to deal with this by trial and error. Keep what works! You will be just fine! If you need me, just send me a message!


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Hi my name is Kate and I'm 13. I've had alopecia totalis since I was like 2 so I don't remember ever having hair. I' never really cared when inwas younger and never really looked into doing anything about it but now that I'm a teen I really I have hair and was wondering what s their anything I could do. If any won has any thoughts I'd be happy to hear.


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Hi, I lost my hair when I just had turn 4 years old on ONE DAY, at that age I wasn't sure of what was going on but it was really bad for my parents no knowing what was going on with me. they expend every penny they had on treatments from natural stuff to the best doctors and nothing... like everyone says it grows while you are doing the treatment but not much and then goes away and you have to deal with the consequences of the treatment like at some point I was on steroids and I got really obese which was going on the direction of more illnesses. so at my age of 14 years old I decide to stop any kind of treatment on my own and told my parents that I was going to be ok the way I was, because this is only affecting my cosmetics and I could fixed it with a wig and I should complain when there is people out there fighting worst things like cancer and others some no knowing if they are going to even wake up the next morning so base on those thing I AM TOTALLY FINE so far I'm 26 years old had boyfriends that knew my situation and they didn't see any problem now I'm married and my husband loves me just the way I am... about 6 years ago I was going to school for dental assistant one of the classes was with 3 other careers on the health field as well and adults were making rumors about the fact that I had a wig that got me so mad and I stand up in front of 50 people and for the first time I talked openly to others about my situation with ALOPECIA AREATA UNIVERSALIS that gave me so much strong to go and talk about it freely when some one asks and made a huge change on my personal life and I think it helps the way others think as well to not talk with out knowing what others are going thru...
One of the doctors I saw said that when you have AAU you shouldn't have anything grow on its own and if this ever happen means your chances of your hair coming back will be really high but this happens on its own with out any notice he told me it also can happen after 35 years old when your body has actually finish any kind of developing of any manner.
I don't tell this story to any one to feel bad I talk about so others feel better, feel that they are not alone and that there is people on really bad situations out there and that beauty is not how you look... one of my friends is experiencing Alopecia now and is on a really hurtful situation and I shared my story with her from beginning to now and she said it did made her change her way too see things your hair is just vanity.!!! all we can do is love are self's the way we are and if our hair grows back great if not at least we know that we can have a great live with out as well. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THERE IS PEOPLE OUT THERE ON A WORST SITUATION FIGHTING FOR THERE LIVES "WE ARE FINE AND HEALTHY" with love someone that is being living with AAU for 22 years of her 26 years of life!


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I have alopecia totalis around 6 years now, and I have treatment that can help me to keep my hair . I knew how it feel when we have this disease. Anyway I'm free if you want to ask how to treat.