
I’m 15 Years Old Am I Losing Hair?

Am i receding?

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Hi I just turn 15 and I noticed that my hairline is abit behind and I realised this when I was 13 but I don’t know whether I am balding but my dad is bald but he started to bald around 30 and his brother is 45 and has a full head of hair and my mums side all has full heads of hair and I don’t know if I’m receding and I would really appreciated if someone could tell me if I’m losing hair or not


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Here’s some pictures of the left and right side of my hairline


  • 2853ABF4-E432-4CAC-B0D7-BFF3D8618DCB.png
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Here’s all of them


  • 82AFE9E4-631D-452A-942B-EF0F0ABC4DDF.png
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  • 82038AEB-3B65-4A36-924F-84F3EF277CB7.png
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  • D0AE704C-CBFB-437F-AB6D-D5BC58A1334E.png
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  • EF2E1F21-4546-42BC-90D9-5D4564BB9DF2.png
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Is that how your hairline has been all your life ?


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TBH looks like its reseeding into the temples. I had the same when I was in my young 20's. Could be worth exploring whats the best treatment, although at 15 that is very young


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What happened to you now? Do you still have hair?
Only 2 months ago I got fed up of thinning hair, my crown was thinned and my front temples showing. I used microfibres for years to cover up and went through laser treatment and tablets for 3 years. So I decided to shave the top and get a hair system. As its very costly I am going to do it for a year then eventually shave everything and get SMP. However you have plenty left to recoup so I wouldn't worry. I am now 35. I would suggest you look into laser as a start but you are not at a stage for transplants/systems yet.


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Bro ur hair is fine. Don’t listen to other people. Take a picture of it now. Look back in six months. If u notice it has receded go to doctor and they can help u. U don’t look to be balding to me.


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Bro ur hair is fine. Don’t listen to other people. Take a picture of it now. Look back in six months. If u notice it has receded go to doctor and they can help u. U don’t look to be balding to me.
Alright! Appreciate the advice and feedback!


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As a young guy struggling with hairloss too, I can say with complete confidence that, unless your hairline has been like that your whole life, that it is infact receding. Your best bet is to wait until you're 16 and use minoxidil. I can't say for certain but if I had to give my opinion I'd say you could use topical minoxidil now and be fine because you look like you've already gone through must of puberty


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As a young guy struggling with hairloss too, I can say with complete confidence that, unless your hairline has been like that your whole life, that it is infact receding. Your best bet is to wait until you're 16 and use minoxidil. I can't say for certain but if I had to give my opinion I'd say you could use topical minoxidil now and be fine because you look like you've already gone through must of puberty
Were you the same at 15? And also this was like this when I was 13 before my hairline was like abit of a semi circle and then it got to a box and around 13 it went back


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Hi, Hair fall is a common problem in all age groups. Hair transplantation is a technique that removes hair follicles from a part of the body. Hair loss is the major issue in both men and women. There are some reasons for hair fall such as heredity, no proper diet, medical condition and so on. Use natural products like coconut oil, Onion juice, Consult your doctor.
But do you think I’m receding?