im 18 and ineed advice


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im 18 and a half,ive notucedd the last few months that im shedding alot of hair,its worst if ive been swaeting or4 soemthing,sometimes y scalp is very dry and ithy,i went to doctor and he confirmed it was male pattern baldness
he never heard of propecia,reccomened rogaine,he made me feel stupid like what the problem.
i was more awar of it because one of my brothers is very bald,
im using nizoral and it helps,i think it decreases the shedding,i notice i can easily remove hair a few hors after washing so i wash my hair every 2 to 3 days.
i am going buying proscar and spilting it,but the thing is i dont know if im finished puberty
I shave nearly everyday,but where sideburns are its not very thich,the hairs are thich but its not dense,
ive hair everywhere,even some on the chest
my shoulders arent that broad though,

im reading that th side effects can be sore nipples

the thing is i hav this already for the last few months!
its not painful,

Im thinking if i went on 0.75mg of the drug,
any suggestions?


Well I guess the Dr would not have prescribed Proscar because of your age. You are already ahead of the game because you are using Nizoral. This really does help with soothing the itchy tingly feeling we all suffer from.

I would make another appointment and tell him about Propecia, then explain to him that Proscar is the exact same drug but at a higher dose and that you plan to cut them into 4ths or 5ths.

Alternatively you can buy the drug on line and do it yourself but I would ask you to visit your Doctor first. Remember that drugs like Rogaine and Propecia/Proscar require long term commitment so please be aware of this before you start. If you want to save your hair then there is no point in taking it for a month and then dropping off. 1 year is what you need to see realistic results.

Hope I helped


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CAN you find a new doctor. I went to see my doctor and I felt the same. He had lost most of his hair (had a comb over) and he kept looking at me like why do you care. Actually it was probably me being paranoid.


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dude, if your Doctor never heard of propecia, go find another one. :roll:
if you keep shaving your head, then i recommend you Rogaine 5% as soon as possible.. and go on Propecia man..


Honestly man I wouldn´t go with procepia or anything containing finasteride if I was 18 years old. Look you have no idea of the long term effect when starting at that young age.

Hairloss is not going to be an issue in a couple of years so instead of oral finasteride go the topical route with spironolactone 2% and revivogen.

Take care and the best of luck.


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nesta...what makes you think hair loss will not be an issue in a few you mean for that guy inparticular because he wont care anymore?


Senior Member
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Take finasteride and stop worrying. Be happy you caught it early and were wise enough to start using finasteride. 18.5 is not too early. And yes, find a new doctor -- one that isn't completely clueless about medical advances since the Stone Age.



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I agree, Drinkum. Everyone always tells the 18 year-olds to stay away from finasteride. I think they'd be perfectly fine taking it, to be honest.