I'm 25, less $10k to spend, and want a transplant in Toronto


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Quick story: Been losing my hair for many, many years...and I'm 25 right now and between a bad Norwood III to a Norwood IV, and after trying everything from Rogaine, to Propecia, to even the Laser Comb I've realized it is what it is and nothing other than a transplant will help.

The only other option is a hairpiece, but with the amount of maintenance and having to constantly worry about it on my head I realize I might as well go down the transplant route.

So my question: I live in Toronto, can somebody recommend to me the best doctor who can help me, at least for now, give me a great transplant for under $10k? I don't have a lot of money, but I'm not completely bald either. I'd really love to hear some advice from someone who's been there/done that, even better if you've got one from someone in Toronto or nearby.

Thanks again, and I REALLY appreciate all your help guys! This process is very stressful and your help means so much!


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Thank you so much dudemon.

I've heard the name Dr. Rahal a lot, I'm afraid whether or not he's too expensive? How much would it cost for me to do it? I'm about a Norwood 3V, and I'm 25 with not a lot of money, would I be able to afford anything for under $10k? Is it just best to get a consultation? I'm just trying to get a ballpark figure.

Also, with his offices in Toronto and Ottawa, I'm just confused, who does the operations? I mean if I did the operation in Toronto instead of Ottawa, would it be by Dr. Rahal or other doctors trained by him?


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Rahal is one of the best surgeons in the world and he's in Toronto I believe. Schedule an appointment for a consultation and see what he tells you.

Man in Space

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Ive had quotes from rahal and they are actually pretty cheap. When you consider he is one of the worlds best as well he is an absolute bargain