I'm A Dumbass...can I Recover From This?


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I was on finasteride for about a year, for some f*****g stupid reason I stopped it...I have a pretty severe case of OCD, so my mind was totally occupied by something else and I stopped, thinking I would get back on at some point.

I would look at the pictures of amazing recoveries and think maybe I would be one of those amazing responders, and I figured I could always just get a hair transplant. Which I guess is true. But yeah.

Here's my situation now. I guess I'm like NW4?


Can the big 3 help? Think I should probably just buzz it down.

I'm 25. Younger guys, take me as an example...get on finasteride and f*****g STAY ON IT. I mean, unless you start developing tits or ED.


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I take finasteride even with ED. I want to keep my hair badly and I know I can stop finasteride and my dick goes back to normal after a week.


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I was on finasteride for about a year, for some f*****g stupid reason I stopped it...I have a pretty severe case of OCD, so my mind was totally occupied by something else and I stopped, thinking I would get back on at some point.

I would look at the pictures of amazing recoveries and think maybe I would be one of those amazing responders, and I figured I could always just get a hair transplant. Which I guess is true. But yeah.

Here's my situation now. I guess I'm like NW4?


Can the big 3 help? Think I should probably just buzz it down.

I'm 25. Younger guys, take me as an example...get on finasteride and f*****g STAY ON IT. I mean, unless you start developing tits or ED.
You lost a lot of hair since I remember you. Too bad you didn't stick with it when you first came on here. I don't think you can reverse it now but you can save what you have and then get a hair transplant.


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Yeah...oh well. I will definitely try finasteride min and nizoral and see where I'm at in a year or whatever. But my plan was always to get a hair transplant anyway, so hopefully that's a possibility.


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Yeah...oh well. I will definitely try finasteride min and nizoral and see where I'm at in a year or whatever. But my plan was always to get a hair transplant anyway, so hopefully that's a possibility.
You are heading for a NW6 so you are going to have to go with a doctor like Erdogan who does large cases like yours.


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I think you'll find that thread interesting

Dermarolling with 1.5 mm needles and minoxidil can be an answer for your case.

If you restarted finasteride i think thats the best regimen.

Yeah, I always hoped I could have amazing results like this. Guess the only thing I can do is try. Might as well add dermarolling in, though I always thought that was kind of a negligible treatment? Is it actually proven to do something?


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Yeah, I always hoped I could have amazing results like this. Guess the only thing I can do is try. Might as well add dermarolling in, though I always thought that was kind of a negligible treatment? Is it actually proven to do something?

Yes its proven to work.

There are at least 2 recent studies backing dermarolling and minoxidil together.

I will try to find them.

Im doing 2 sessions per week and apply minoxidil right after and its working great, im also using avodart since 2013.

Diffuse thinners like you respond pretty damn well to dermarolling


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I should probably get on dutasteride, don't know how to get it though. Hair transplant doctor? Be hard to find a derm to give me a prescription for that I think...


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In my country they sell it without prescription.

Maybe you could order it online, dont really know if thats safe though


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Argentina. Regulations are not our strength lol.

About side effects, brain fog for sure.

Never had the infamous sexual side effects.


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Thats a new study.

They used an electric dermastamp with different needle depth (Up to 2mm i guess).

They found that using minoxidil right after dermastamping was significantly superior to minoxidil or microneedling alone.

Here is a pic from the study


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