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32 year old male. Shaved my head with a razor (to be young and stupid) when I was 22, and it didn't all grow back. What did grow back was a receeded hair line, and a very thin top of my head.

The past few years (2-3), I've noticed my hair to be getting thinner and thinner, and receeding more along the temples.

Now, every time I look in the mirror, I see fewer and fewer hairs.

Unfortunately, I'm in a bind financially (work a commission only sales job - no steady income, and can't find another job that'll hire me).

But I'm in desperate need of hair transplant. My head is too big to be bald.

Couple of things... roughly, and I know this is a vague question - probably like asking how much a car costs -- but how much does hair transplant normally cost?

Second, I've researched a little on line and noticed that Bosley has a pretty bad reputation. What about Hair Club for Men? There is one near my house, and they have a good ranking by the BBB.

Also, any advice?

I started taking Propecia in 2007, but stopped in 2009 when money got real tight. I've just been taking Saw Palmetto capsules now, as I've heard it reduces DHT.

I plan on reading these forums to get more information as I have time (4 kids, bad marriage, work). But any info/advice anyone wants to throw up here would be appreciated.

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Man, I would not do Bosley, nor would I go with Hair Club for Men; what I learned immediately after researching hair loss is that you want to go with IAHRS (dunno if it is right acronym) approved surgeons....and exactly who you need to go with is contingent upon what your concerns are......I guess because I have been perusing hair loss forums for some time now, it seems funny to me how one couldn't find all this stuff out by just reading some of the threads on most forums.....

Depending upon where you reside, some good choices from what I have read are Feller, Cole, and the Minnesota Shapiro (not the FL one, I think)......you also have Bernstein and some others, noone else comes to mind right now......

Just do a search and you'll find a more extensive list, if you peruse the forum a little bit more, esp. the hair transplant one, the exceptional doctors' names come up a lot....I don't remember how much they run as I have not yet had one, but I think strip is the least expensive method and FUE tends to be more expensive......

Although I haven't had a hair transplant yet, when I do have one, I will probably go with Feller.....apparently he has a good rep with the FUE method in which the surgeon extracts individual follicles from the donor area and moves them to the thinning area.....Feller seems to be a genuine guy and he has some decent results.....

If I were you, I would do some consultations with doctors (IAHRS) some local and some out-of-state, if you can travel somewhat despite your financial limitations; if you have the internet and a good camera, you can also do photo consultations by sending you pictures to doctors via email..........

And I would get back on propecia, but that's just me....I'd find a way to get that money and do that....sadly, that's all we really have....and I think it is slowing my loss pretty dramatically because when I started losing 2 years ago it was pretty rapid and now it's slowed and it' pretty subtle, that's if I have even lost anymore at all.....

Once you have checked out the sites of some doctors, if you have further questions, just call the offices, that's what I did and the receptionists/assistants that answer the phone are really amicable, after all, we're how they make money! They'll answer any questions you might have....