I'm Back!


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Well folks, I'm back. Some of you may not remember me or know why I stopped coming here, so allow me to refresh your memory:

http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... 7902b182db

I'm afraid things have got worse again. My hairline has DEFINITELY continued to recede in the last three months. I'm going back to the same guy tomorrow to see what my situation is. I'm so fuckin pissed off. I just KNEW it was too good to be true. I'll keep you all posted on how I get on tomorrow. Peace out.

Bone Daddy

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Chujgcha said:
Welcome back to hell. Sounds like we get to keep you this time. Life's a b**ch.

A little more gloomy than I would have put it, but never-the-less true.


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These people no nothing....nothing i tell you.


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What did you say Petchsky i was reading the dictionary?


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Aye, it's a good read...i'm currently on Et - Etymology. Hoping to hit F before the new year.


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Yep, i have entered Seniordom. I now expect to be greeted with a :salut:


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Well, just got back from the clinic. He took more photos, compared them to the one's 4 months ago and he insists that nothing has changed. He keeps saying it's nothing more than a mature hairline and to stop worrying about it. He also says he will not, under any circumstances, put me on Propecia as there is no reason to do so. I have another appointment in Febuary. I guess it's all a bit of a relief, but something deep inside me tells me I'm not out of the woods, as my scalp is sill very tinglely and itchy these days. Does that ALWAYS a dead-lock sign for baldness, BTW? It may be something else. I dunno. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.


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You have to decide for yourself what is going on concerning your hair, treatments, etc. Most doctors don't know sh*t about hairloss.


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The vigil will continue for all time.

Or until I'm bald. Either way.

The Gardener

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Hey Blue, how the hell are you? Good to see you here.

Where have I been?.. well, I have been out enjoying my hair... socializing, flirting, and f*****g. Working my *** off too. And I have a new girlfriend.

I miss ol' HairLossTalk.com... good to peruse these pages once again, and see where everyone is at. Damn, this battle does go on...

FYI, Die Hard is a great flick


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Props on knowing the movie ...also its good to see somebody that has hairlose actually having a good time ...new girl...thats awesome man you deserve it.......there needs to be more posts of this nature....i get tired of seeing all this negativity