Im balding on top, about 2 inch circle, will dermmatch help


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I have dark brown hair . I have alot of hair on the sides of the bald spot though. toppik works great but just sometimes and water and sweating is a no no

If someone would send me some dark brown to try i will order one for you the next time or send you half of my toppik.

Dermatch sends you two , so if you get a second color someone and get dark brown i will split the price with you


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How cheap can you be? Order one for yourself, it costs litterally nothing!

Come on...

not me!

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Buffboy said:

How cheap can you be? Order one for yourself, it costs litterally nothing!

Come on...

Exactly. Why go through all that hassle with another poster? Hell, the shipping alone will cost almost the $35 that two disks of Dermatch costs.


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shipping 35 bucks, good one dude. Not even 1/5 of that. I also said i would trade my toppik if someone wanted to try it. Im a helping kind of person . I dont have much money. I have sick people to take care of


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ttwarrior1 said:
I have sick people to take care of

What has that to do with DermMatch?

We are not trying to offend you, just giving you a piece of advise. Take it or leave it, but I bet no-one wants to off-load their DermMatch in order to get a little Toppik. Don't bother.

Can you honestly say that you don't have $35 bucks left to buy Derm?


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well when you get it, you get a second color for free. So are they just gonna leave the other color sitting there and wasting when others need it.
I consider this like throwing away good food next to a homeless person

not me!

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ttwarrior1 said:
well when you get it, you get a second color for free. So are they just gonna leave the other color sitting there and wasting when others need it.
I consider this like throwing away good food next to a homeless person

...I'm speechlesss...actually speechless at how retarded this thread has become.


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LOL this thread is cool