I'm confused with shedding!


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Okay guys, im a 17 year old male. Now I never used to see any hair come out and always have had a whole lot of hair which has always been very thick. All of a sudden one day I noticed hair coming out in the shower, and it just kept coming out! I think it started in around March and is still happening and its now nearly December. I think I will have to go to the Doctor but just wanted your opinion on what this shedding means. I mean I only have to touch my hair a bit and hairs come out. It's pretty much my whole head. I've been depressed for quite some time and the hair loss has made it a lot worse. My dad still has hair and is nearly 52. His hair only started to thin out and recede in his 40's. Most of my uncles all have hairlines that go straight across like a little kid and has never even matured. Then there is one uncle that went bald young, but he was the only one in the family and everyone else had hair until they were in old age. It's just becoming so hard now. I'm also seeing these white flakes just come out everywhere and it doesnt stop. I have a black keyboard, so if I rub my hair I just see white flakes everywhere... I tried using Head and Shoulders shampoo for a while and it never worked. I will be going to the Dr. soon but just wondered if you guys could make an educated guess on what you think it is? Cheers.

I forgot to add that because of the shedding my hair is all different lengths all the time. Because so much hair is lost my hair is all over the place. I have short and longer hairs all the time!


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Sounds pretty much like regular male pattern baldness. Don't waste your time and get straight on Propecia or
1/4 Proscar or whatever. The fact that you're only 17 could be a problem for the prescription.
But you should be able to find a Doctor who will prescribe it to you anyway.


Don't look at the hair of your dad or uncles the fact that there's a balding gene in your gen pool is enough
and could have any different affect on your stuff...


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rembrandt said:
I'm also seeing these white flakes just come out everywhere and it doesnt stop. I have a black keyboard, so if I rub my hair I just see white flakes everywhere...

Most-likely, seborrheic dermatitis, though you need a a Doctor to look at it to say for sure. Scalp psoriasis is an outside possibility. Seborrheic dermatitis may sometimes contribute to pattern loss. Treatment includes selenium disulfide (as in Head and Shoulders), Zinc pyrithione, "Tar" (as in "t-gel") and Ketoconazole ( as in "Nizoral"). It is unclear which works best, but on the principle of treating the disease and not the symptom, I tend to favor ketoconazole, an antifungal agent.

Peter H Proctor, PhD,MD


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Here is a pic of my hair..


Like I said when i rub my hair there are white flakes everywhere, my head also feels oily which never happened before. And of course i have rapid hair loss, it comes out all the time...


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Dont take this the wrong way.... But those white things at the
base of your scalp look a lot like headlice eggs.


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hmm, the way i see it YOU HAVE GREAT HAIR DUDE....

if your concern is about those white flakes, you might want to visit derm to confirm what they are...