I'm Doing My Best To Stay Away From The finasteride & Min.


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Accepting inevitable hair loss by shaving or doing nothing is fine if you don't have any regret.


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I feel your pain man. My problem started in my late 20's and I refused to touch Finasteride until 2 years ago (45 now).
My greatest regret was not having started sooner. Understandably, you're a young bloke and would like to think you have some good years left before this debilitating male pattern baldness sets in. I would say get your skin condition treated first, then establish whether it is the cause of your hair thinning.
If your hair continues to thin after the skin condition is sorted, then there is a good chance DHT is doing what they do best, and you would inevitably have to start on Finasteride.
Sooner rather than later!


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2 months is a short time to get a feel of what's to come.
When I was a few weeks into Finasteride, I experienced ballache, and seemingly lower libido. To this day, Im still unsure whether my libido has been affected for sure, but the ballache subsided a couple of weeks later. No other significant side effects.
As for the benefits, I saw the peach fuzz turning dark and thicker around 6 months mark, and I would say the crown also showed improvement. The hairline did not change much, but was enhanced by the few darkend hairs enough to see a minor cosmetic difference. However, Im sure I have maxed out the benefits now, as these hair are staying the same length while the adjacent terminal hair keep growing longer. It's now a matter of maintaining and keeping an eye on any further recession...I have no idea what to do when that happens.
No need to envy a 45 y.o guy with a NW3v balding head and looking to transplant with possibly less-than-stunning results lol. You're in a position to fight DHT.
Your age is on your side, and it's up to you to decide when to tackle DHT...and I'd still say sooner rather than later.


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My honest opinion is...don't wait nearly as long as I did and hope for some miraculous advancement in treatment.
Have a look through the forum discussing technological advances and you will most likely conclude that nothing feasible is likely to become widely available to us peasants before we become NW7.
Have your skin condition sorted, and get on Minoxidil+Finasteride!
Ifyou're still dead set against Min+finasteride, then at least address the DHT issues with more natural supplements such as saw palmetto/zinc (which frankly do very little for me).