i'm embarassed to buy minoxidil at walmart


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No. You can always buy Min online. I bought 6 months supply for 36 dollars on Amazon. I haven't used it, just opened it. I'm waiting, if I don't use it in 6 months i'll probably ebay it or give it away.

Try ebay/amazon.


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I bet you are too embarrassed to buy condoms as well?

I don't get you guys, what's wrong with buying hair fertiliser? I don't have a problem with it at all.


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Don't they have a do it yourself checkout aisle in your WalMart?

It's funny because I bought Rogaine at WalMart once and went through the do it yourself checkout and thought I was being pretty slick. Wouldn't you know, but the alarm went off when I tried to leave the store. The ancient old man at the door had to rummage through my bags to find the culprit that set the alarm off and wouldn't you know it was the minoxidil. So he had to pull it out of the bag and write his little numbers in the book, while everyone stares as usual, thinking they may have just spotted a shoplifter getting nabbed.


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I worried about it when I had hair... now... it's not any worse than
being bald 24/7. Condoms... started buying them when I was about 16 or 17
and it never fazed me. It was like... yea I'm getting some. Of course it was
about a year before I got to use one. :woot:


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i'm definitely not embarassed about buying condoms haha. and no there is NOT a self-checkout at my walmart, it blows. There is at meijer but unfortunately, no minoxidil there.
If anything, i'd feel more comfortable going to a checkout with a guy, but even then it's like, if he's not balding and hes older than me, i feel like a dumbass and like i'm making him feel really good.
I know i overthink it way too much, i just wanted to see if anyone else was with me hah


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beaner said:
Don't they have a do it yourself checkout aisle in your WalMart?

It's funny because I bought Rogaine at WalMart once and went through the do it yourself checkout and thought I was being pretty slick. Wouldn't you know, but the alarm went off when I tried to leave the store. The ancient old man at the door had to rummage through my bags to find the culprit that set the alarm off and wouldn't you know it was the minoxidil. So he had to pull it out of the bag and write his little numbers in the book, while everyone stares as usual, thinking they may have just spotted a shoplifter getting nabbed.

I don't care where your from...that there is funny

I never buy in store anymore simply because most stores over charge.

optimus prime

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I travelled through about 8 airports with a can of Rogaine in my hand luggage and nobody cared...and then on my final trip home, when they scanned my bag decided it needed to be searched. They passed it to a lady who emptied it one item at a time. She pulled out everything until she came to my Rogaine can. It must have been used once or twice. She then shouted across the room, 'Is this it', holding it in the air. 'Yes' shouted back the woman on the scanning machine. In a room of about 50 people, everyone, and I mean everyone was staring at this little can being held in the air.

Arrggghhh...I could have died on the spot.

She then told me, 'no liquids'. I just packed up my bag and told her to throw it away.


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optimus prime said:
She then shouted across the room, 'Is this it', holding it in the air. 'Yes' shouted back the woman on the scanning machine. In a room of about 50 people, everyone, and I mean everyone was staring at this little can being held in the air.

Arrggghhh...I could have died on the spot.

She then told me, 'no liquids'. I just packed up my bag and told her to throw it away.

LOL OMG! I hate that sh*t when they have to advertise your stuff at an airport. I had my carry on bag rummaged through one time at check out and saw the b**ch holding up my toppik cans in amusement until I loudly cleared my throat. Then she gave me a dirty look. Fat b**ch!


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I buy it online for that reason. Respect to you guys who can buy it in the store but I just don't have that much confidence about my hair loss. In the end I save a good amount of money ordering online anyway.

Also when flying just put it in your checked luggage. I've never had any problems with it.


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That's why the internet is great for buying things, you need never be embarrassed again. I can buy condoms no trouble, but buying rogaine would find embarrassing


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well i'm on proscar right now so i'm not worryin about it til another year or so. but after that, i'm just gonna suck it up and go to walmart hah


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Am I the only one who isn't embarrassed to buy minoxidil from normal shops???? If anything, I would be more embarrassed to buy condoms.


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MORE embarassed to buy condoms? why? condoms mean you're getting laid AND you're being responsible about it. buying minoxidil means they know you're balding


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NO buying minoxidil means that in the eyes of most people you're paranoid and insecure about balding.


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I buy it from CVS or Walgreens. At the beginning I was embarrassed. Now I don't really care what they think as long as there is no one I know waiting in a line :)


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My local Walmart has a lot of self-checkouts where you scan and pay for your own stuff.


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dudemon said:
I drive to a Costco about 20 miles away. I try to buy it at the pharmacy counter when there's no wait, and have them put in a bag and only show the receipt at the exit. I go on a weekday, during business hours, usually around 10 or 11 in the morning, when it isn't very busy. 9 out of 10 times it's just a "walk in, pay and walk right out" deal with no wait.

However, sometimes, I'm forced to go when it's crowded and I really dread it big time. It's majorly embarassing.

But you don't know those people around you so you really shouldn't feel embarrassed.


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If you are purchasing minoxidil at Walmart and don't want anyone to notice, the best thing to do is cover it with other items in your shopping cart. By doing this, the only person that will probably notice that you are buying minoxidil is the cashier.

Hopefully, you are not trying to impress the cashier. :)