I'm Going Q-Ball: OK to Use Just 1/2 mil of 5% Xandrox?


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Yo. I'm going to shave my head with a razor so it's easier to work with my topicals and I won't think about shedding. I'm going to let it grow back occasionaly to check the progress like my man Hair Farmer.

My question is, since I'm shaving my head, could I get away with using just 1/2 mil of 5% Xandrox twice daily instead of 1 ml?


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I think that you could. I have read in a couple of different places that only a small amount of minoxidil is needed to achieve maximum results. Especially since you are shaving your head, that should be plenty, IMO. I have also read that one application of minoxidil per day is as good as twice, but who knows.


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I heard that dr lee said you need to apply it twice a day to get maximum results.

Hey temples. Did you quit finasteride like you said you were? I have the same side effects as you were getting (the tiredness, sleeping 12 hrs aday, sexual side effects aswell.. etc). Ive cut down to 0.25mg a day because I have exams coming up in january and I feel that finasteride is making me too lethargic to properly concentrate on revision. I don't wanna f*** up my exams because of finasteride - but im still on 0.25mg. Im not sure if finasteride is working but the massive shed I was experiencing seems to have slowed down alot, but I cant see any noticeable improvement in my hair.


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I experienced those side effects exactly. They soon disappeared and all is well. You just have to ride it out. I wouldn't start it the week you take final exams though, just to be safe. Good luck!


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Quagmire said:
I heard that dr lee said you need to apply it twice a day to get maximum results.

Hey temples. Did you quit finasteride like you said you were? I have the same side effects as you were getting (the tiredness, sleeping 12 hrs aday, sexual side effects aswell.. etc). Ive cut down to 0.25mg a day because I have exams coming up in january and I feel that finasteride is making me too lethargic to properly concentrate on revision. I don't wanna f*** up my exams because of finasteride - but im still on 0.25mg. Im not sure if finasteride is working but the massive shed I was experiencing seems to have slowed down alot, but I cant see any noticeable improvement in my hair.

Yes, I dropped finasteride and I feel like a new man. finasteride really wreaked havoc on my system. Sadly, those sides never left with time and actually got worse. After 4 months of hell, I dropped it.

I just applied 5% Xandrox to my newly-razored head. Feels pretty good. Xandrox may be a good alternative for those who can't tolerate finasteride. Dr. Lee claims that it inhibits 98% of DHT locally. Some vets here disagree with this claim, though.

I'm going to try and go stealth for at least 3 months so I don't even think about my hair. I should be able to monitor my progress better this way as well.