I'm Going To Get A Hair Transplant. Who Is The Objectively The Best Turkish Surgeon?


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I'm male, 26 and losing my hair. I've decided that trying to save what's on top is no longer a viable option.

Instead I'm opting for a hair system which I've already arranged and I'm going to get FUE hair transplant treatment on my temples in order to work with the hair system and frame my face better.

I live in Australia and great surgeons are sometimes hard to come by. Not only that but they can cost a small fortune which is money I don't have.

I've researched and it looks like Turkey is without a doubt the best place to go, but also very daunting as it's over seas in a country I have zero familiarity with.

I've done all the research I can but I'm still stuck on who to see regarding FUE treatment. Reputation, quality and a proven track record is paramount.

If you were in my shoes, which Turkish surgeon would you consult for this procedure and why?

tl;dr: Getting a FUE hair transplant procedure in Turkey. Not sure which surgeon to go with. Who do you suggest?