I'm gonna fuggin cry

Green Soap

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I can't believe it. I've been on minoxidil for 7 months now and finasteride for maybe 2......

Before last week I was in a shed and I had uneven growths of hair on my head and at the length I had it all, it looked kinda bad.

Now I just took the clippers to it at a length of 16 MM and it has all evened out and ...MY GOD.

My hair is looking.......flat out amazing. It is definitely coming back. My temples are solidifying, my hair is continuing to thicken and my crown is continuing to fill in.

By the time I reach the two year mark I will (at this rate) have a good and solid full head of hair and I'm not looking so bad right now.

It appears that the meds will get me through to the point where I can buy the permanent new technologies that will be available.

I wanted to add something.

Last week, when I had all different lengths going on...My hair looked HORRIBLE (it was because the new growth was so much shorter ----think about that).

...I happened to meet a new girl too. Just an amazing, beautiful girl. We've been talking every night for hours and hours and are going to spend tommorrow night together.

She met me in my post shed nightmare when I looked like hell. Tommorrow night she gets to see an even, nearly full, closely cropped head with (slight) thinness at this point on the crown.

Point is....she didn't care. It was my charisma that drew her.

But, tonight, after my self administered hair cut (so therapeutic) and all my hairs (regrowth and all) are now one length.....Damn I look good.

I don't know what my point is other than stick to your regimens religiously. - They work!



Sounds like your meds are starting to work great. I too went through a bad shed at the back end of last year. Had my hair cut at new year and it looked great. Now I am happy with my hair again because over the last two months it seems to have grown back. hairline looks thicker and the temples have recovered. So in all I'm happy. It does seem that finasteride is working in keeping the hair that I have.

I did give finasteride a break for a few days because I was worried about side affects which affected my c***. But now it seems OK so I started my daily regimen again.

The thing about most women is that they don't give a monkeys about hair loss. That's unless you are an ugky freak that happens to have hairloss. But in general terms they really don't mind.

Green Soap

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Yeah, thing is..

You're right.

This girl is BEAUTIFUL.... and the first night I hung out with her she introduced me to a "couple" friends of hers.

this drop dead gorgeous Persian Girl (she had me happy in the pants) and her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend had way obvious hairloss. I pretty much look normal at this point but he looks terrible.

...yet he was with this amazing girl.

the funny part was when my new girl "friend" and her friend started teasing him about his hair. They teased him like his hairloss was cute.

Was an eye opener.

Anyway, this guy works for a bank, drives a 325i but that is beside the point. These two have been together for 7 years. Way before he was successful.

In fact she was describig how funny he looked when they first met....(I felt bad for him) ...but they are obvisously very much together and have been for a long time...

Blah blah.

Not sure I have a point.....but I'm happy! Can't wait to see her tommorrow!

Green Soap

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And yes, my c*** went soft for after the first three weeks but I can say that that has very much subsided and I can stand at attention whenever duty calls.

Don't fear the finasteride.

Green Soap

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Let me rephrase. I go back an hour after my haircut with the bathroom lights on bright and my big hand mirror.

My regrowth is absolutely stunning. There were ups and downs but I am SO GLAD I've stuck with it.

If the girl and I become serious I'll just switch to Dr.Lee's (less time to dry) and explain to her that I use minoxidil. I'm sure I'll have no problems.

At this point, though, she is such a sweetheart and calls me every night (late) and says the sweetest things to me (which is funny because I've always been a hardhead about women). All is well.


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Have you got any pic's would be interested to see, can I ask whats your regiem and how long have you been on it?

Green Soap

Established Member
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My regimen is very much what you are taking.... With a dose of delirium and childlilke insight.

....don't stress too hard. You'll rupture a gasket.


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Green Soap said:
My regimen is very much what you are taking.... With a dose of delirium and childlilke insight.

....don't stress too hard. You'll rupture a gasket.

Ha, thanks.... yeap jesus the stress is boiling over. I just can't take it anymore. What the hell do I do help me please!!

Green Soap

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Honestly, do what I did when I first started my regimen.

Shave it all off. Get some clippers and take it down to at least 9mm if not lower.

Best thing you will do for yourself.

And I have to laugh as I read my own thread here. While everything I typed was true, I posted last night in a completely WASTED state. Lol. I was a wee bit snockered.


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GOOOOOOD sh*t MAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Established Member
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Green Soap said:
Honestly, do what I did when I first started my regimen.

Shave it all off. Get some clippers and take it down to at least 9mm if not lower.

Best thing you will do for yourself.

And I have to laugh as I read my own thread here. While everything I typed was true, I posted last night in a completely WASTED state. Lol. I was a wee bit snockered.

Ha, I was kinda taking the pee dude. I'm cool with the way my hair looks at the mo. The minoxidil has done a decent job of tidying the front up. Just waiting for the finasteride to thicken it up, well at least I hope so. Don't think I would look good with the shave look, my forehead is far too big.

Its always good to post when your stoned you write some of the most interesting stuff. I hope it all works out well for you and this lady.

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Green Soap said:
And I have to laugh as I read my own thread here. While everything I typed was true, I posted last night in a completely WASTED state. Lol. I was a wee bit snockered.

Lay off the green soap!!


Senior Member
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You have only been on finasteride for 2 months??? You must be a great responder to minoxidil then!! Good for you man.

The Traveler

Reaction score
Green Soap,

Ever heard of being a challenge with women? Damn mate, slow down or you will lose this girl. Not trying to sh*t on your parade man, but you should never spend hours on the phone with a woman.

I suggest you visit http://www.sosuave.com for great advice with women. You will learn wonders.

Anyway, good luck.


Experienced Member
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The Traveler said:
Green Soap,

Ever heard of being a challenge with women? Damn mate, slow down or you will lose this girl. Not trying to sh*t on your parade man, but you should never spend hours on the phone with a woman.

I suggest you visit http://www.sosuave.com for great advice with women. You will learn wonders.

Anyway, good luck.

Damn, there's some honest-to-goodness great advice on that site. Thanks, The Traveler. :) I've thought about many of those things before but I just figured I was crazy. Great stuff.