I'm i to young to start finasteride?


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I'm goin on 18 in 1 month and i really want to try finasteride but i don't know what will happend if u r to young. Sometimes i feel imbressed to ask my parents to take me to a derm and find out with is wrong wit my hair. I went to the doctor and all he siad that is was stress and he gave my anti-depressants. On some days i feel good and on other days i feel like sh*t. I feel bad right now cuz this sh*t is fuckin up my life cuz i hardly go to school no more and want to go to adult school now. Can some one help me out here what should i get started on to stop my hair loss. Its hard being young and knowin u might be bald in couple years. I just want to know if its alright to start finasteride at a young age but also will it f*** up my sex drive if i take it.

Thanks :lol:


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don't be embarrassed man. what is more embarrassing to you, one day of asking your parents to make you and appointment with the derm, or a lifetime of wishing you had started treatment (and continue balding)? propecia was tested on ages 18-40something, so if you are eighteen soon, you will be "in the age group" i say call a derm and go for it.


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so trent does your regmine work man cuz i see u take finasteride and use nizoral is ur status improving? I tell my mom but she thinks i'm parinod but i know in my heart that i am balding but thanks and kept the info comin.


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also what should i start off with first in my regimine to begin with. i'm still clueless about what to use to combat hairloss


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you want to catch it early. i wish i would have caught mine a little earlier, like just before i noticed it :) i noticed it looked a little thinner when it was wet i guess year or so ago, but didn't think anything of it really, just thought it was "aging" but had i caught it then i would have been exstatic with maintaining. the goal of propecia/nizoral is to start when you're happy with where you are at.

for me, i can't totally tell if its working. i am having a hard time remembering how it looked six months ago. i have been through a "oh my god it's not working" phase right now, but i feel like that's passing. i think it is working, i decided not to judge anymore until at least month nine. what i do know, is that before, i never went out without a hat because i was so self conscious, and now i don't ever wear one. so either i'm more confident about it, or it really does look better. definitely go for it. you can tell your mom that propecia is one of the safest drugs out there and has been around for a long time.


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LilOne said:
I went to the doctor and all he siad that is was stress and he gave my anti-depressants.

. . .

Is it just me, or it this doctor insane? Maybe they've all gone insane..


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My uncle (one year older than I) went to a doctor for his thinning hair when he was 18. The answer he was given there was "you're to young to be balding". He's NW4 now (at 21).
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I'm in the same boat as you, except I wasn't really embarassed to ask my parents. I just said i'm thinning on my forehead and I want to see a dermatologist to see what's up.


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I just picked up my phone and entered the number of my (female) doctor. I thought that I'd freak out and hang up before, but I wasn't even embarassed.

(Of course she almost decided not to prescribe Propecia for me, almost had a tantrum and called it "chemical castration", but that's another story. ;))


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ive been using propecia for 2 years, had one hair transplant (1500 follicles), been off and on minoxidil a zillion times and im still losing my hair, just slower

there's no hope of stopping hairloss(with the current medications), only prolonging it


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thanx 4 the info