I'm interested in travelling abroad for a hair transplant


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I'm 27, receding primarily in the corners and temples, quicker as of late. No noticeable bald spot, yet, though the rate of crown thinning is indicative of it happening soon. I'd like to have a hair transplant done mainly to the hairline; Lowering the hairline, and supplementing weak or bare areas of my corners, restoring my temple peaks, etc.

I have tried to use propecia with intolerable side effects and am now looking at safer, more permanent alternatives. I just want to live out my life without the constant worry of hairloss.

Has anyone gone abroad for a hair transplant procedure? I have heard turkey is a great place to go. Obviously, cost is a factor. Restoring my hairline for 8,000+ does not seem worth it to me, but anything under 5,000 I could consider. I estimate I will need at least 1,500 grafts for the desired result.
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Turkey is a good option when it comes to price and quality. Belgium has premium surgeons but is expensive. However I myself would never look at the price when it comes to a new set of hair, but still, some Turkish surgeons are a safe bet.

What Norwood stage are you, and how far do you expect it to go? By reading your story I guess that if you would do a transplant now you are probably going to have to do one in the future as well.


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I believe I am NW2/2.5. But by the time I would have the operation, probably NW3 or 3.5. I am fully prepared to make multiple trips. I'll look into Belgium as well. Thanks for the tip.