Im new but am very sad and i need help please read


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hi, my name is ryan and im 19 years old this is my first post and yesterday was pretty much the first time ever reading hair loss forums. I have to say they are very useful and the people on here are saints, everyone here is amazing and trying to help everyone else out i cant beleive it its truly a miracle.

Im not a loser at all and i was very popular in high school i know this has nothing to do with hair loss but it has to do with self esteem, my hairline moved up a bit when i was a junior just a tad nothing noticable, but when i was a senior my hair began to thin out a little bit and my hairline moved up a little more. I still did nothing.

This summer is the first time i have ever done anything to help my problem, i went out and had my parents buy me some rogaine 5% my dad is i guess u can say bald, he has a pretty large receding hairline and a small bald spot but hes not completely bald in fact i dont think he will ever go completely bald, both of my grandpas were bald so i know that i have male pattern hair baldness.

I am a freshman at the University of Toledo and now am shedding pretty bad, and its killing me inside, and i mean killing me. I cannot stand it more then anything that has ever happened to me in my life. My hair is pretty thin i mean u can see my scalp if i pull my hair apart and in the light, its not really bad, but i can notice it pretty bad, and i know its not going to get better only worse.

None of my friends notice any of my shedding, except one of them noticed my hairline its pushed back a little bit i have no idea about the n-2 or whatever those are called i just know that it has definately receded.

The thing is the recession does not bother me as much as the general thinning of my hair i know people who have receding hairlines but the rest of their head is thick are u guys sure this is male pattern hair balding??

Recently i ordered some finpecia the generic propecia from i really cant remember the websight it seemed to be the most secure websight i could find, it came in a brown package and its made by cipla little white pills in silver little tabs.

Plllllease can u guys help me just answer these 2 questions is finpecia real from how i described it and does my thinnning sound normal?? thank u guys so much im planning on becomming experiance in this field nad i want to help others thank u so much.


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first things first. we all understand what you are going through, i know the first three months after noticing my hair loss were some of the worst in my life, I spent (and still often do) almost every waking minute oscillating between extreme depression, and anger. there are two pieces of very good news for you, however. 1. it gets easier to deal with, especially after you start using treatments. 2. you now live in an age where hair loss is very very treatable.
Your first step is to research. Learn all that you can about hairloss, pretty much everything you need to know is on this website, but look around as well. Your basic "proven" options are as follows. rogaine, propecia. Nizoral is also a good anti-itch anti-male pattern baldness shampoo that is to be used 3X a week. Revivogen is a topical DHT inhibitor that many on this site use. there are others as well, but you can learn about them on this forum. The secret to treating hair loss is to be very patient, use the proven treatments first, and don't alter your regimen until you know if its working (i.e. wait at least six months before changing ANYTHING).

I'm not sure the extent of your hairloss, but if you are in freshman dorms and all it may be difficult to apply the rogaine with the "community bathroom" thing, unless you just don't care about people noticing, and if you are just starting to thin, just starting with the propecia and a shampoo called nizoral (you can buy at any drug store) is your best bet. Propecia works in almost 90 percent of people to at the very very least, maintain the hair you have for a long time. Many people (myself included) experience some decent regrowth as well. Remember there is a good chance you will go through sheds (click here --> shed to learn more) and some days you will think your hair is absolutely terrible and some days you will think its getting better, the trick is to be patient and ride it out and stick to your regimen! be thankful you live in a time where there are good treatments out there for this. So take your propecia, relax, and enjoy your time at college!! its the best time of your life, trust me, i miss it so :-( people on this forum know pretty much everything there is to know about hair loss, probably even more than any doctor you could visit, but if you feel the need, don't be ashamed to make an appointment!!! that's what doctors are for.

yes unfortunately thinning like yours does sound like male pattern baldness, many people (myself included) have experienced this type of "diffuse thinning"

ask others about the finpecia, i'm pretty sure its legit, but i got a prescription for my propecia, so i'm not 100 percent on that.


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ryangern said:
i know its not going to get better only worse.
Wrong! :) It will get better. Propecia can totally handle that for you. Most likely all by itself with no other treatments required.

ryangern said:
None of my friends notice any of my shedding
Perfect. That means you're just starting. You're in that stage where its really noticeable to you but not to anyone else. This is the ideal time and type of hair loss for Propecia. In about 6 to 12 months not only will they continue to have no idea, but you will be happy once again because your hair loss has settled down and stopped completely.

ryangern said:
Recently i ordered some finpecia the generic propecia
Only go this route if money is an issue. I really strongly suggest using the home grown US made stuff. What you have is probably legit but there is nothing like peace of mind. There's no reason why you should have to worry about the legitimacy of the product on top of the hair loss worries.

ryangern said:
thank u guys so much im planning on becomming experiance in this field nad i want to help others thank u so much.
Do me a favor. Mark my words that Propecia all by itself (with Nizoral shampoo used once every 3 days) is all you need right now. Hold off on the Rogaine and anything else until you've been on propecia for 12 months. If you're not happy with results at that time, then add Rogaine 5%. People just starting to notice thinning to *not* need Rogaine and Propecia together. Pace yourself. You're only 19. You've got many years to go, and Propecia all by itself will probably buy you at least another 5 to 7 years. You can add Rogaine in the year 2011. :)


ryan, first up, you are lucky you caught this bastard thing so early, with the right regimen you should have a good chance of maintaining your hair and hopefully some good regrowth.

first up finpecia is legit, it is generic finasteride made by the massive Indian pharmachutical company Cipla, yup they are white and yup they come in silver foiled 'tabs'.

Your hair loss pattern does sound like diffuse thinning and yes this is a pretty common form of Male Pattern Baldness (male pattern baldness).

Now for the introductory run through:

(I should just cut and paste this from some where as I must have typed this a hundren times!!!)

I am sure many will agree with me on this one, the best possible starting point would be...

1. - Nizoral Shampoo 2-3 times a week (lather, leave sitting on your head for a few minutes) Follow this with a good quality conditioner (not the sort you get for $2 a bucket)

2. - Finasteride (in your case finpecia) 1mg a day, try to be consistant, don't go on and off this stuff, it's not fair to your hormones. Keep any eye on any side effects (most people have zero side effects) but because you are 19, you just slip into the safe area as finasteride is not reccomended for folk younger than 18

3. - Now I would normally say to you don't start Rogaine for 6 months or so, untill you have seen what finasteride/nizoral can do for you, but I do not know your exact situation (It doesn't sound like all your hair dropped off over night if only one or two people have commented).

Rogaine 5% should be used twice a day, anything less will not help a great deal, and to be honest if your 19 it will be a right pain in the *** to be putting this stuff (that can take hours to dry) onto your scalp every day. You cannot use it for a few weeks here and there, as when you stop any hair grow with Rogaine will be lost, you have to remain consistent with all these medications, within reason, don't worry too much about the occasional missed weekend of medication.

4. - Beer, this can be bought in most grocery stores and gives others the impression that you can dance.

So start with Finasteride, Nizoral and beer combo, your call on the Rogaine (when I started I thought 'f*** it' and went for all four, but if I was 19 it may be wiser to go without the Rogaine for now).

You have a good chance of results with these medications and a fairly low chance of side effects, if you need more fire power, there are many more wonderful drugs and potions out there with a good track record. Research everything, don't check your hair in the mirror every day and take photos, when in 14 months you are thinking at how sh*t your hair looks compare it to a photo from the beginning and you may be suprised at how much progress you have made.

Good Luck



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i did forget to add the "beer" part of my reply, this is HUGEly important in a hair loss regimen, you should drink and have a good time while you're in college!!! good luck!


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I always read things like this and wish I had just jumped on Propecia and left the Rogaine alone for now. When I first became concerned about my hairloss, my family doctor recommended I start Rogaine, and I used it for almost 6 months before I started Propecia about 6 months ago.

If it doesn't hurt my hair, it at least hurts my wallet, and it can get annoying to apply twice daily. I wish I would have just got on Propecia and seen how that worked by itself, but I can't really just stop using Rogaine at this point.


wastingpenguins said:
If it doesn't hurt my hair, it at least hurts my wallet, and it can get annoying to apply twice daily. I wish I would have just got on Propecia and seen how that worked by itself, but I can't really just stop using Rogaine at this point.

yeah you can, you will just end up in the same place as you would have been if you have not started using Rogaine.


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Thanks so much guys, u guys are great and those were awesome responses, so if finpecia isnt legit is proscar legit?? i mean ar eu guys 100% sure that if i cut them into 4 tabs it is the same thing as taking propecia...??

Also i usually where my hair messy i love to style my hair, and now i get to afriad to becuz when i do i get alot of shedding is this normal?? do u guys get alot of shedding when styling i meanlike 30 hairs in the sink and if i keep running my hands thru my hair mor eand more comes out its seriously insane i dont understand

again thanks alot


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yes, proscar is EXACTLY the same, just 5mg dose. and i style my hair messy too, so i understand what you're talking about. remember, the shedding you experience when you are styling is not CAUSING you to shed, it is simply the hairs are ready to fall out anyway, and you brushing your hair around is making them come out, the DHT is causing them to come out, so don't think syling it is hurting the situation, it is much deeper than that. style your hair however it makes you feel more comfortable.


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damn thanks treant lol u rule, thank u so much for giving the time to help me im just gonna have my doctor write me a prescription for proscar and how do i break them up do i need to buy something that does that for me....

by the way i drink all the time lol


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thanks so much treant u rule, so does insurance pay for proscar for everyone my dad has medical mutual


just go out and buy a surgical scalpel from an arts/crafts shop, Swan Morton metal handled with 10A blades are best....

....and chop your proscar pill in to quarters as accurately as you can, pick the smallest piece and take this with the inevitable little bit of powder that the chopping proccess generates....

....put the remaining three pieces into an air and light tight container (like an old vitamin jar) and keep them somewhere at room temperature, don't store them in your bathroom, where the temperature can go up and down and condensation can form...

(that last bit was a bit over cautious, but I thought I would give you the 'full on' version)


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just to give you a "heads up" some doctors are not overly willing to prescribe proscar because propecia is the 1mg form that is advertised as the "male pattern baldness drug" although proscar is the exact same thing but is the same drug but advertised drug for "benign prostatic hypertrophy" because it is the 5mg. So I would offer up the suggestion for getting proscar, and see if he is willing. If money is an issue for you, and he won't prescribe proscar (some docs won't, not because it isn't the EXACT same thing, but because you are kind of finding a loop hole in the system and saving you money and making the drug companies less money), and only propecia, i guess you can try another Doctor, but if money isn't really an issue then just go with the propecia, that's what i use.