Im not sure if i am getting any loss help me out please!!!


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Im 22 years old and im not exactly sure if im losing my hair or what. I seem to be getting a slight loss on the left side of my hairline. Im pretty sure it has gone back a little which im not happy about. my right is exactly the same as it was a few years back and the rest of my hair is the same. I have quite fine hair to begin with.

Heres whats bothering me, is it possible that my hairloss could have been kick started by some strain on the hair folicules? my girlfriend used to give me head massages very roughly, she would run her hands across my forehead and across my hairline and for some reason she'd always pull a bit more on the left side by accident she ran her hands across my hair very hard. I thought nothing of it until i noticed that some hair may have come out. Also i have been vegetarian for about 2 years could this be contributing to it?

Its strange because i always have this tingly feeling in the area i think im losing hair and its been the same way for the last few years tha i think ive been losing, has anyone else noticed this? is this some way of my body telling me that something is changing in my body?

and ive noticed some people talking about 'mature hairlines' what is this?

sorry if this is lots of questions, its just im a lil stressed right now. :D thanks in advance

Nixon's Head

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Sorry, Ive got to go to bed right now so I wont be able to answer all of your questions right now in a robust, systematic way. But real quick: Im 26 and I first noticed that my hair in the front was a little less thick when I was 21. My father was bald but I wasnt sure whether I was going bald or if it was just the light or my mind playing tricks on me. (It turned out that my perseptions had been right, later hair loss would confirm what I had only susspected--It turns out that your perseption probally is correct, after all you've been looking at your hairline all your life, if it looks like something might be going on then probaly something is going on) It was another year before it was clear that I was going bald and I started Minoxidil at that time. Anyway I when another two years intermitant minoxidil aplications until I had a noticable area of thining---On my right hand side by the way, my left hand side looked still normal. So about a year ago I started Finasteride and Minoxidil in ernest. Things have been OK but also slightly disaponting. My right hand side came back but rather thin. So now a couple of weeks ago Ive had to boost up my regimine. Im getting a good shed right now, and I hope I grows back. All I can say is--in a little while you conferm that you are indead lossing your hair, attack it now. I wish I had. I wouldn't be having as much trouble with my hair if I had started when I was 21 or 22 and went on finasteride and minoxidil and could have prevented some of my hair follicles from dying. Anyway, you've got some good questions that Id like to take a crack at in a more complete way tomorrow.

Nixon's Head

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Ok, I'm back. With regard to the rough massages: If this happend more than 4 months ago than it is completely unrelated to you hairloss. It is possible that your overenthusiastic paramour could have "popped" your hair from the papilla (the mother of all hair, the cells at the bottom of the hair follicle that produce the hair shaft). But she would have had to of done it with just enough strenth to seperate the hair shart from the papilla but not strong enough to have acually pulled the hair all the way out of the hair follicle. This is unlikely. But if that was the case (or she accually came up with a fist full of hair and you didnt know or something) then the hair papilla would not be damaged and in about 2 months (6 months for a very tiny amount of hairs) you hair would be back to normal. Pulling out hair (like tweezing or waxing) can damage the papilla, but that would take about 15 years of waxing to do it (it does shock the papilla a little bit but very little (some girls if they wax their legs all their life starting from puberty can expect not have to wax by about the time they are 30 or so) I would suggest that you wait a little while longer, say 2-3 months or so, to see if you really are going bald. No reason to start doing all the hazzle, and the money, until you are sure. Unless you are rapidly going bald this shouldnt be a problem. Like I said, you are still hitting it early and will probaly have good results if and when you do start a regimine. (Oh by the way, in my opinion, you are losing your hair. You are showing several of the signs)

With regard to the tingly feeling: many people report this a something that they go through with hairloss, although I haven't. Some beleve that hairloss is a immune response to the DHT(DHT, the bad thing that makes you loss your hair, is produced by the 5AR enzyme converting testosterone into DHT). The oil glands on you head secreate oil that contians DHT, and testosterone. On the skin there are also more 5AR enzymes that convert more of that testosterone into even more DHT. When the DHT attaches to the androgen receptor sites on the hair follicles of the scalp, it initiates an immune inflammatory respone, which damages and miniaturizes the hair follicles. But hairloss is a very intricate, complex process that is wound up in biology and chemestry and has many contribiting processes.

With regard to being a vegetarian: Good for you! I've always pretended to care about our animal equals but I dont really. Although I am basicly a vegetarian (I have to have go to taco bell at least once every two months but I never eat more than one meal of meat a month) I do it for health and enviromental reasons not because I feel guilty for betraying one of our animal companions. Sometimes I wonder if it is like canibalism. Could you eat human flesh every once and a while and still feel good about yourself and say you're not a canibal?. Mostly I say Im a vegitarian because it lets the women know that you are not a temp. thin person that one day will be a gigantic slob. Also, that I care about my health without being one of those pill popping herbalists. And that I can make good, healthy, low fat food. POW! Anyway, the answer to you question is a unequivical I dont know. It has never been a worry for me. Do some poking around on this site and see what you find.

Regarding Mature hairlines: At age 20 20% of the people are going bald. At age 30 30% are going bald At age 50 50%. At 80 80%. Every body loses hair as they age. Mostly at the temples. This is what is refered to as a "mature" hairline: good hairline at the front/ middle part, some recession at the temples. Think Tom Hanks as opposed to that red head that directed him in apollo 13. That Opie guy. Ron Howard. Ron Howard had hair that receded in the middle front and just went back. Generalized thinging is not a mature hairline.

So I would educate youself. You obviously have a lot to learn with regard to hairloss. If you are lossing your hair then I feel bad for you. Heck, I feel slightly bad for myself too. But this is a problem that started 23 years ago in a moment of passion and there is nothing that you can do but go bald or treat you problem. There is no reason to be in denial about it (oh I dont think you are in denial, im speaking just generally) You can only play the game or lose automatically. There is no opting out. Your follicles dont care whether you acept that you are losing your hair. They dont care if you are convinced or not. (again, Im not speaking about you, just generally) I wish I had acted on my hairloss back when I first started noticing it. I could have maintained my hair very nicely, thank you, for about $200 a year (Fincar 1/4 ($100 for 90 tabs) + minoxidil 2ml 2x a day ($25 at Walmart for 3 months x4)). Now, I waited a few years and now I need to spend almost $900 a year on products. Luckily I am very happy with the results. Not like those who waited even longer and will never get back to any kind of normal hairline. IT IS MUCH EASIER (AND CHEAPER) TO MAINTAIN THAN TO REGROW!


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thank you very much for all your answers my friend. I appreciate that very much you definetly know your stuff. Im gonna look into this much more off the back of your answers.

once i get my camera working i might post some pics on here. thanks again.