I'm screwed, i can't even do a hairtransplant.


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Here is my potential hairline, it is so high it's close to the everest. It would look as odd as baldness so i just cancelled, and that was a really hard thing to do.


And it was traced by a top-notch doctor, so there is really no hope for me.

The worst part is that i have a donor-area over-average, but it can't do **** with the hairloss i have at just 23.


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i saw your hairline, it looks way smoother and natural than this one, so we can't compare both cases now can we.

I agree with your motto in general, but in some cases like mine the result would be so non-aesthetic it wouldn't make any difference.


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I can go to Europe, i already had a visa for Spain.

In Turkey.

My only worry is that since it was a top-notch surgeon, i don't think that anyone could give me a better hairline.


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I can go to Europe, i already had a visa for Spain.

In Turkey.

My only worry is that since it was a top-notch surgeon, i don't think that anyone could give me a better hairline.

Most good surgeons will perform a hair transplant with the view that if the patient had no further surgeries the result would still be natural. You might not be able to get a low hairline in the first surgery with that said. Though ultimately through developments such as BHT anything is possible. It might be possible to get a lower hairline just with scalp hair but there is only so much a surgeon can do in 1 sitting. If you go FUT you could get 4000 in one go. If you go FUE 2000 is the maximum you could get in one day. Like Fred said, consult with more than one doctor. From what I understand Dr ******** turned down Fred, may I ask why this was? He seems ultra conservative, maybe too conservative for my liking.
ps. Nice result by the way.


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Because I was one of the worst cases of hair loss at a young age he had seen.

He was worried I would become a NW7, even though no one in my family is.

Fair enough, though your hair would still look natural with the hair transplant and progressing to nw7, lots of guys still have hair at the front but not at the back.


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Step back from any hair transplant attempts for awhile if you're still having misgivings. It's a serious decision, so take your time while you weigh both risks and reward benefits. The advice you're getting from OP's is spot on. If you revisit the hair transplant choice doen't compromise the surgeon choice. Fred's diligence speaks for itself. All the best.