I'm tired of this endless hurdle



I just realized how damn worn-out I am with all this hairloss sh*t... I noticed that I'm balding a year and a half ago and there hasn't really been a day without thinking about it. Yeah I know it sounds sad but that's how it is. It's hard to imagine life without having to deal with this kinda stuff in my early 20's. Of course it would be harder to have some terminal disease (like rheumatism that my father has had since he was my age) but I think the psychology behind (premature) hairloss is very underrated. The hardest part is really that no one who hasn't been struck by hairloss doesn't understand how hard it is. My family doesn't understand why I don't want to look at my hair under strong lights etc, they just don't get it. I've tried to explain that I can see my scalp and I hate that but they just go: your hair is fine etc. Well, I have to disagree.

Now that it seems that the meds I'm using don't work for me, I'm in desperate need of something permanent, which in my case would be shaving (no money for hair transplant and would be kinda useless for a diffuse thinner). I hate the idea but I'll have to do it sooner or later to get this stuff out of my head. Now I'm just fooling myself by buzzing it from time to time then letting the hair grow and feel depressed again. I'm always thinking that maybe it will be better this time and always get disappointed. I didn't like the way I looked with ultra-close buzz I tried almost a year ago but that's what I'm doomed to sport in the future. Now I'm convinced to get through this sh*t and have already started to work out much more than I used to.

Sorry for another useless rant, and remember: I'm still not crazy although some of you might think so :p .


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Bro, I know what you're feeling, I think almost everyone here knows how hairloss can strengthen your depression. We are in the same boat, like billions of balding people.
It has been said 100 times on this forum, but I'll repeat . It is very difficult but try to concentrate on the other things like working out, soccer, making a career... You live in Europe, come to Moscow, come to St. Petrsburg.
But of course, the best way to forget about hairloss-is to fall in love! It helped me! ) I read your post I think that you are a good guy, you are able to find a nice girl? if you doesn't have.

Respect to you


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GrowHairGrow! Despite of the all things i feel for you and understand your pain. Being with hair is really great. Hair is a source for joy, youth, dreams and hapiness. I know what you mean. I'm a NW3.5 struggling to be happy.

We can have money, most beautiful women, great car but without our self-esteem we're nothing.

GHG! You still have great hair so enjoy it and dont give up on hairloss war.


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Dont worry, everyone gets depressed sometimes, about everything! It could be the job, your hair, debts, broken bone, disease or literally anything.
Just dont let yourself get into a rut, Ive been there felt at my lowest and eventually got out of it. Just get to know some ladies and see if you connect with them, there is no point in doing the club thing that wont make you feel better.
Personally I would say get off the finasteride if your feeling lethargic, getting puffy nipples and any other side effects. Remember your playing with hormones and you dont want to have that problem in 30 years time when your bald anyway, thinking why the f*** did I take that pill everyday and f*** myself up!

IBM said:
Hair is a source for joy, youth, dreams and hapiness.

You come out with the most idiotic sentences sometimes, you need to learn that hair is not everything. Millions of people would give their left leg to have half of your quality of life.

IBM said:
We can have money, most beautiful women, great car but without our self-esteem we're nothing.

Start accepting yourself for who you are then


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GrowHairGrow! said:
I just realized how damn worn-out I am with all this hairloss $#iT... I noticed that I'm balding a year and a half ago and there hasn't really been a day without thinking about it. Yeah I know it sounds sad but that's how it is. It's hard to imagine life without having to deal with this kinda stuff in my early 20's. Of course it would be harder to have some terminal disease (like rheumatism that my father has had since he was my age) but I think the psychology behind (premature) hairloss is very underrated. The hardest part is really that no one who hasn't been struck by hairloss doesn't understand how hard it is. My family doesn't understand why I don't want to look at my hair under strong lights etc, they just don't get it. I've tried to explain that I can see my scalp and I hate that but they just go: your hair is fine etc. Well, I have to disagree.

Now that it seems that the meds I'm using don't work for me, I'm in desperate need of something permanent, which in my case would be shaving (no money for hair transplant and would be kinda useless for a diffuse thinner). I hate the idea but I'll have to do it sooner or later to get this stuff out of my head. Now I'm just fooling myself by buzzing it from time to time then letting the hair grow and feel depressed again. I'm always thinking that maybe it will be better this time and always get disappointed. I didn't like the way I looked with ultra-close buzz I tried almost a year ago but that's what I'm doomed to sport in the future. Now I'm convinced to get through this $#iT and have already started to work out much more than I used to.

Sorry for another useless rant, and remember: I'm still not crazy although some of you might think so :p .
i can understand this attitude,this is how i am feeling to.

your right non balding people will never understand.What it feels like to avoid lights above your head,to go weeks without looking at yourself in the mirror because you feel like dying inside,although i still have a half decent head of hair,i look at my photos of 18 months ago and think you never knew what you had,now it is all over.

i think that hairloss might have cost taugenichts is life has he was rather depressed and then nothing,what a waste,oh god why couldn't you have given him the hair that he wanted


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*hehe* you're not crazy - it's frustrating that the only people who understand what we go through are the ones doing it themselves. Even the people who are losing hair and have chosen not to treat it don't know how much it runs you down constantly thinking about your hair(loss), wondering day to day whether it's working or not, always bloody checking your hair, always worrying about how you look and whether your lifestyle may be contradicting your schedule, etc etc blah blah....

...and of course, actually doing the regime and paying for your products as well. It's f**king annoying and it costs a sh*tload! ...and the worst part about it is that whether we see results or not, we're still gonna keep doing it for the next 20 or so years anyway, clinging onto the hope that we will once again sport the full head of hair we had at the age of 11. Well I am anyway *hehe*

It's funny, the only person in my wide circle of family and friends who even remotely understands the effort and money I put into this sh*t is my girlfriend... no one else. And even she wouldn't have a clue about the mental anguish that goes with it.

...and don't we all love to rant about it on the forums!!! It's the only chance we get! :)

My parents don't really understand... or (I suppose) care... Dad is one of those NW10's who's way too far gone to bother about it, so instead remains skeptical about any mention of hair loss treatment. "hmmph, thanks Dad..."

Anyway, stay strong - it's all you can do. At least you look good with a buzz cut, GHG. 'Cos dammit, I sure don't!


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GHG from what I can tell you look better with a buzz anyway. You're lucky, stop stressing.


I found over 10 hairs on my pillow for 2 mornings in a row. The last time I was checking the hair-on-pillow situation about a month ago, there was like 0-2. Now they are just sticking up everywhere. I have really run out of solutions now, it seems nothing will stop this sh*t.


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GHG, you have been using both finasteride and minoxidil right?


RaginDemon said:
GHG, you have been using both finasteride and minoxidil right?

finasteride since 05/2006, minoxidil foam since 05/2007.


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getting over it is kind of easy, if you are not too bad yet. Just get a strong regimen that is easy to follow. You will feel better once you are on it. Then use Dermmatch for the thin spots. As for the high forehead, either do hair transplant or wait for HM. It will probably be 5-7 years before you can afford HM, but who knows. Other than that, just go to the gym and work on your body or just dress to look nice/athletic. Make yourself happier by doing fun stuff and doing well at work/school. Then go see what you can get lady wise. I'm Norwood 1.7 and I think I can do OK, if not better.


collegechemistrystudent said:
getting over it is kind of easy, if you are not too bad yet. Just get a strong regimen that is easy to follow. You will feel better once you are on it. Then use Dermmatch for the thin spots. As for the high forehead, either do hair transplant or wait for HM. It will probably be 5-7 years before you can afford HM, but who knows. Other than that, just go to the gym and work on your body or just dress to look nice/athletic. Make yourself happier by doing fun stuff and doing well at work/school. Then go see what you can get lady wise. I'm Norwood 1.7 and I think I can do OK, if not better.

Hey, piss off. I haven't once implied that my long forehead bothers me so mind your own business, impolite weirdo. No dermmatch for me either, I'm not that desperate. My forehead is what it is, it has always been that high and it will stay that way.


Ok that's it. Just took a long look of myself under a strong light, darn my hair has gone sh*t in a year. It feels it's almost impossible to lose most of ones hair in such a short time. In january I could almost make it look like I had a full head of hair, now it's totally impossible. I got like 10 hairs on a square centimeter max. I can't f*****g believe that no one hasn't commented anything...I especially despise my family who think that they can convince me to try and grow it. I look like a clown with my hair grown out. And oh yeah, the minoxidil foam has only made it worse. It's the game over for me now... I'm glad I don't believe in God, I would have to blame that mofo for all of this. Almost NW5 a few months before turning 25. Damn life is grand :woot: .


Manutd4545 said:
Ok that's it. Just took a long look of myself under a strong light, darn my hair has gone $#iT in a year. It feels it's almost impossible to lose most of ones hair in such a short time. In january I could almost make it look like I had a full head of hair, now it's totally impossible. I got like 10 hairs on a square centimeter max. I can't f****ing believe that no one hasn't commented anything...I especially despise my family who think that they can convince me to try and grow it. I look like a clown with my hair grown out. And oh yeah, the minoxidil foam has only made it worse. It's the game over for me now... I'm glad I don't believe in God, I would have to blame that mofo for all of this. Almost NW5 a few months before turning 25. Damn life is grand .

If you are tired then give up and shave it completely off and do not continue with the meds.

It's not the usage of meds that bugs me, what bugs me is that they don't work! I would love to use the meds if only would they work...