I'm very confused....insights greatly appreciated


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I've been on fincar for 5.5 months. (I was on minoxidil since May '03, but stopped putting on top recently. Plan to start again.) There has been no change. I still shed over 150 hairs every day in the shower alone. However, my crown and vertex still look the same, as far as I can tell. Thinnish, but still fully covered.

It's my front that's gotten me in knots lately. My Norwood 2 hairline has been transparent under light for a while, but my right side has recently become noticeably more so. I can see the outline of a Norwood 2.5 through the hair. I wish I could be positive, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't quite that transparent 5 months ago. Also, for quite awhile I've had those "frontal strays" I referred to once---those wisps that poke out in front and won't go with the others when you pull it back.

There are three questions about all this that have me really confused.

1. The frontal strays that fall out are usually, as much as I can make out, not any thinner than the other hairs I shed from other parts of the head. If being a "stray" means that the hair is near death, why would it be the same thickness as ones from the top that are shrinking but still very much alive?

2. Although 90% of the shed hairs I see are still miniaturizing, quite a few start out super-thin and colorless, then widen out and darken, then thin out slightly before the bulb (not counting the very end, which someone said is usually thinner even on a normal hair). I have no idea what this indicates. Does that just mean the hair was in a resting phase, and that when it "woke up" it was thin and colorless before resuming normality, but then was miniaturized?

3. The back of my head is definitely thicker than the rest, but when I run my fingers through it, the hairs that emerge are just as thin as the ones from everywhere else. This is true no matter how low I pull them out from. Please don't tell me that means I'm gonna be a Norwood 9 or something. My dad is only a 5.5 or so, and I don't know any blood relatives who were worse. Does it sound like I'm losing my back, too? It's hard to imagine, since it feels and looks completely normal. But the individual hairs are still just as thin as the others, and some of them are tapering.

I know this is neurotic over-analyzing, but I don't know what to think about my situation. There's been no stoppage in shedding in 5.5 months, and I'm getting nervous now. I think the right temple has gotten more transparent during that time, since I didn't notice it before. The frontal strays are shorter than the others but usually not any thinner. My back is thick but the individual hairs are thin and tapered like the rest.

Is it somehow possible that I've already lost a lot of individual hairs, as in density? I didn't think it worked that way. I thought it took a long period of miniturization before a hair died altogether, and this hasn't been going on long enough for that. In response to the temple situation, I'm now putting minoxidil there. Sometimes once but usually twice a day.
Have you ever heard of any success on finasteride with time stats like mine?

I apologize for my neurosis and would greatly appreciate insight from anyone with a grain of an idea about this stuff.

(Sometimes I try to somewhat console myself with my hairdresser's contention that "a lot of people thin in their early '20s but don't go bald." HairLossTalk.com said much the same thing the other day. Wish I knew if that applied to me.)


I think what could make your problem worse is fincar. There has been debate on this site about products from India. I just would not trust them. Ok, you may be getting a finasteride dose but it may not be the same as proscar/propecia.

If I had a choice I would go with the real deal. You can still get it quite cheap.


traxdata said:
I think what could make your problem worse is fincar. There has been debate on this site about products from India. I just would not trust them. Ok, you may be getting a finasteride dose but it may not be the same as proscar/propecia.

If I had a choice I would go with the real deal. You can still get it quite cheap.

trax, do you have any links or info about this shadow of concern that falls on indian products.

"I just would not trust them" why?




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I very much was shedding 150+ a day before finasteride, and had been for about 9 months. Previously, it had been about 70, previously, about 20, previously, right after starting minoxidil, 300, and previously, before I was aware of the problem, 150. Full circle, I suppose.

When it started at 17, it was about 50. (22 now)


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"And with all his strength, he thrust his post to the top of the pile once more. 'The human eye is attracted,' he told himself, 'to objects at paramount altitude.' Would his theory prove correct?

Only TIME......would tell."

Bone Daddy

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traxdata said:
I think what could make your problem worse is fincar. There has been debate on this site about products from India. I just would not trust them. Ok, you may be getting a finasteride dose but it may not be the same as proscar/propecia.

If I had a choice I would go with the real deal. You can still get it quite cheap.

^^ knows NOT of what he speaks.


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Jaygee said:
I've been on fincar for 5.5 months.
Still early :)

Jaygee said:
(I was on minoxidil since May '03, but stopped putting on top recently. Plan to start again.)
Careful on being inconsistent. That's the best way to mess a regimen up. Need to be very consistent with these treatments. They rely on you for continual growth stimulation and continual DHT inhibition.

Jaygee said:
There has been no change. I still shed over 150 hairs every day in the shower alone. However, my crown and vertex still look the same, as far as I can tell. Thinnish, but still fully covered.
Its still early.

Jaygee said:
1. The frontal strays that fall out are usually, as much as I can make out, not any thinner than the other hairs I shed from other parts of the head. If being a "stray" means that the hair is near death, why would it be the same thickness as ones from the top that are shrinking but still very much alive?
First off you need to stop killing yourself like this and watching individual hairs. The term "Splitting hairs" exists for a reason. Its excessive and it does not help you with treating hair loss, because the results are an overall ebb and flow ... constantly ... getting better getting worse. Evaluate your hair only in intervals of once every 6 months and base your results on a set of photos you've taken that show exactly how you looked at baseline. Watching individual hairs and trying to determine if they're dying or growing or thinning or miniaturizing or vellus or terminal ... it wont mean anything unfortunately.

Jaygee said:
Does that just mean the hair was in a resting phase, and that when it "woke up" it was thin and colorless before resuming normality, but then was miniaturized?
No. It doesn't mean anything. You're going to drive yourself insane. Overall photographic assessment is where its at. How do you look to the public? How do you look overall in the mirror compared to how you looked at baseline? And again, only evaluate once every 6 months at most. Inbetween is a roller coaster that is going to send you reeling mentally and make you come to forums and write extremely detailed posts splitting hairs.

You might want to talk to someone about OCD. Honestly. Hang in there, and ride out your sheds. Give it another 3 months. Try not to look in the mirror. The odds are in your favor, and shedding sucks. It sucks worse than anything has sucked. We all know. But hold Tynan's hand and he will lead you through this time. Your worst enemy right now is the mirror. AVOID IT !!!!!!



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HairLossTalk.com---- Re: OCD.......a fair point if there ever was one. :oops:

traxdata: I've had feelings of uncertainty about fincar, but Axon's reports of success with it offset any impulsive "that's it!"s. Besides, I did get the textbook side effects.

However, the feelings of uncertainty are strong enough so that I've resolved to get the real thing next time. I got fincar because I just wanted to plunge in right away without going through the hassle of finding an understanding derm. Although seriously, I dunno where on earth you guys keep coming up with that $60 dollar figure for Proscar. Every single pharmacy I've asked, chain and independent, states a clean $99. (And $75 for Propecia, not $55.) Maybe it depends on what part of the country you live in? (I'm in upstate New York.) None of the pharmacists had any idea what makes the difference.


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HairLossTalk.com's right here. You cannot think about it every second of the day, check with a mirror every half hour...it's not healthy. You'll just go crazy.

Relax, try not to think about it and certainly do not try to count hairs that fall out. I still lose tons of hair a day and my loss pattern hasn't changed in two years. I see lots of hairs all over the bathroom, but ultimately, I'm not getting worse - if anything, I've gotten better.

Remember: minturization of the follicle bad, hair fallout not so bad. male pattern baldness does NOT manifest through fallout! A hair that falls out is not gone forever. Things just don't work that way. Even bald men can potentially have hair on the slick spots if you get to the "root" of the issue, no pun intended.
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Did you have a haircut recently? Hair styles will definitely skew your judgement, making it look like your hair condition may have gotten worse or sometimes make you think it got better. Your best bet is to stick to the Big Three, and know that your doing the best to keep what you currently have.
Also, do shampoo often, as Minoxidil and finastride do make the scalp more prone to dandruff and inflammation causing hair to shed. I personally shampoo everyday. The dried up Xandrox just needs to be washed out, else it will just look messy.

Best of luck.