I'm very depressed


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People are asking if i'm alright and some even say that i'm sad. They're right.

I'm too much depressed. I'm anxious all the time, i laugh for everything and i'm with guilt and fear feeling.

I cant take it anymore! What should i do (dont say put a bullet in my head)?


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I'm thinking in a career change. I wish i could have a business of my own.


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IBM is "his" depression. :sleep:


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IBM said:
I'm thinking in a career change. I wish i could have a business of my own.

Running your own business will not make you happy, there is a lot of stress involved


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Set tasks for yourself , don't work as much and ignore stressfull situations ...

You've only a certain amount of time to live , theres no point in wallowing in depression when you should be making the most of what you've been given. I know it's hard to ignore depression as you often don't have control over it, but try and ignore the feelings and fight them with their opposite. Hairloss is such a demoralising factor , but think of it in a largescale view , Its a minor feature compared to having other abilities. You're lucky you have the chance to live and haven't been born with a disability or terminal illness. Don't take life for granted , but instead set goals for you to achieve , become something and don't become consumed in your work or other things you don't enjoy ... that makes life pointless. Find a talent and take advantage of it ... and do whatever you want to do like writing in Blueeeeeeeeee


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You're not alone IBM. I suffer from depression, its more common that you might think. It comes and it goes for me, its certainly not a constant thing. Sometimes I feel happy, other times im very sad :( Much of my depression is self image related as well as job related. Sometimes I feel like im missing out on the most fun things in life because im much to paranoid about my hair and self image. I have improved tho, its just slow process. But hang in there buddy :)


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metalheaddude said:
Sometimes I feel like im missing out on the most fun things in life because im much to paranoid about my hair and self image.

Unfortunately that applies to almost everyone. And when they realize (if they do) it's not worth losing the best years of ur life it's almost too late.

I look back at my 20s and wonder if I truley maximized those years. I don't think I did. I'm now 32 and feel like im 20 again so it's all good. I'm making up for those lost years of fun now that I buzzed my head.