Impact of quiting finasteride after being a non-responder


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Hi guys,

Background: have been on finasteride for 1.5 years now and it has done me more bad than good. Before I had a pretty high hair density (wasnt a diffuse thinner, more a receder). Thought getting on finasteride would maybe fill in my temples a bit more but it hasnt. My hair has thinned out on top and in the front making it unable to style my hair the way I used to do it. Since most studies say that the best results come after the 2 years mark, I am planning to give it another 6 months to see the effects.

Main question:
Is there a possibility that after getting off finasteride, my hair will go back to its original state (pre-finasteride)? Can't really say that I gained any hairs while on finasteride, more of the opposite.

Side question:
Never had any sides from finasteride (except increased sexual hunger and some dry skin) but since yesterday, I have experienced some lower testicle pain. Is is possible that this only comes after 1.5 years or could it be a 'sign' (although not a positive one) that finasteride is finally starting to work?

Thanks in advance guys!!


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Sounds like your hair density has actually decreased after 1.5 years of finasteride. Quitting now won't make that hair grow back. But, you do have the option of trying out a stronger DHT inhibitor such as dutasteride. I would look into that and maybe after 2 years you can reverse some of the hair loss.

Don't think too much about the lower testicle pain. My nuts used to hurt randomly after playing soccer / doing exercises even before I started finasteride. There's a lot of factors that can cause that, pretty sure not releasing orgasms for a while can contribute to it as well.