in 3 months will we see tonnes of 'fluridil didnt work'posts


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sorry to say, but everyone jumps on these 'fads' that come and go and its almost sad. remember lions 'innovate'? and countless others. now people are saying oh spironolactone doesnt work so im getting flutimide/eucapil. innovate seemed to have a lot of scientific backing at the time too and seemed really good and this was only a year ago! but thats beside the point.

many hairloss doctors are already saying we have reached the limits of what androgen/dht inhibition can do for male pattern baldness. basicly if your already using propecia and nizoral, you have already done most of what can be done by the anti androgen route.

i dont mean to dissapoint any of you, but the fact is there will never be an anti androgen that will regrow someones full head of hair or even close. oh but there WILL be new ones coming out every few years to catch the next wave of buyers.

so in conclusion: 1) dont feel that because a treatment is old it is all or a sudden ineffective.

2) you cant 'cure' male pattern baldness with anti androgens. so be realistic of what gains you will get.

3) give a treatment time to work and dont just jump at everything you see when you dont get great instant results that are impossible to get :roll: anyway