In dire need of advice before Surgery


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I would really appreciate your comment. As some of you have said before doctors rarely talk about post-treatment healing time.

I have not chosen to but the doctor have kind-of decided to do only 500 FUE grafts on me.
Now I am going in about a week. One of the reasons that I am going with this doctor is simply because he was fine with me not cutting my hair short. He said he will shave an area on the back that will be covered with the long hair above it. what I would like to know is the following:

1- Am I doing a big mistake of going on vacation (no sea or anything extreme) 2 days after my surgery. I wantedt o do that so when I am back in office 2 weeks later I look better.

2- Am I going to be fine with a hat or everyone would notice my tiny procedure ?

3- Would I need to know anything about "post-op care" ? I am going to live with some friends in a big house, drink and go out. We are going to share a room with few beds. Would I have to do anything at night ? put something on my head ?

4- Can I drive after the procedure for about 5 hours ? ( i guess this is not possible)

Please let me know your thoughts / experience ASAP. I would appreciate to hear from people who went for FUE while keeping their hair long.



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Thanks a lot for your reply.

However can you be specific about the post-op care. OK I won't drink but what else ?
Do I need to apply something. If I go in the sun can I put a good hat. Should I try to avoid the sun completely 3 days later ? Should I sleep in a certain position ? ( I am thinking of what could be the reason to avoid completely to see people other than the possible visibility of face swelling and tiny scars on head).

Please remember that i am going for an FUE. and I will NOT be shaving my head, as a matter of fact my hair is quite long.

I hope to hear from you soon.


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Many thanks dudemon, you're cool dude... helpful tips.
I think you are right too, I need then to get some advice from people who did FUE .



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PLEASE some thoughts on this

It has been 6 months since I did my FUE of around 1000 hairs in my crown/vertex. Since then I said earlier that I have NOT seen a shed of the transplanted hairs. They just stuck out and stayed there, did not grow, did not fall.

6 months after and 10K of my hard earned money, it is still the same. I am currently going through a shed, and still the transplanted hairs haven't fallen, or at least 50% of them. The other have fallen but did not reappear so far. WHAT TO DO ? I spoke with the doctor (who is quite reputable) he said give it a full year, but hey, this is very uncommon, and he was just sort of pushing me away. Anyway I am very unhappy with the approach of this doctor and his office. But I am not here to bash anyone. I want to get ideas about how to approach this problem. Should I see a dermato.

3 times so far I had a bad itch in my crown, and what appeared to be like a stub, was a whole follicle sort of sticking out and it was removed by a simple rubbing, and that was at least 3 months after procedure. I am not aware of any other loss of follicles. but now that my hair is going through a shed, I can't even believe why the others are still here. quite frankly depressing.



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waynakyo, i read ur story and decided that i would like to give my input since the similar thing happened to me.... i had about 5 fue with the last being last friday may 29 2010. based on what ur saying that the grafts did not grow i think that ur doctor did a poor job in the harvesting of the grafts. i think ur grafts were transected during harvesting and the actual follicle was not intact when the hair was transplanted. It happened to me and u bet i went to the doctor and was about to drop a lawsuit on him but he offered the same amount of grafts free of charge and thats the surgeryi had last friday. remember when u choose a Doctor for fue u have to get one that is specialize because harvesting in this case is more technical than the strip, grafts can easily get transected. I suggest u talk to hi about it because at 6 months u should be able to see some kind of growth. The short spikes thats there am sure if u take a tweezer and pull they will easily come out. thats because there is no root, they remained there just the way they were transplanted, healing of the receipient hole is holding them in place. Goodluck bro. To date i had about 11 hair transplant surgeries and still not quite happy..jus somewhat....Be careful


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Thanks Smooth...this is scary though !
But my hair, th transplanted one, was still there for at least 4 months after surgery. I was thinking if the follicle was damaged, wouldn't have fallen instead ? Is it possible what you are saying, given that until now I had many of these hairs still sticking out ?

the doctor is quite famous and he has done many FUE. But what concerned me most is that he didn't seem too careful.
Like when they were first extracting these follicles from the donor area, they were put in some "cup" and they were left there for hours until the time of the actually transplant... is that common ?

I am really frickin pissed off.


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Thanks Smooth...this is scary though !
But my hair, th transplanted one, was still there for at least 4 months after surgery. I was thinking if the follicle was damaged, wouldn't have fallen instead ? Is it possible what you are saying, given that until now I had many of these hairs still sticking out ?

the doctor is quite famous and he has done many FUE. But what concerned me most is that he didn't seem too careful.
Like when they were first extracting these follicles from the donor area, they were put in some "cup" and they were left there for hours until the time of the actually transplant... is that common ?

I am really frickin pissed off.
Some kind of happiness is my measured out in grafts.

I still have transplanted hair that hasnt grown in my head from surgery i had more than 6 months. Thats just the hair being held by the closing of the receipient hole. Not all the time the fall off, if they are there and not growing its more than likely they are transected grafts that did not grow. Its normal fo rthem to put the extracted grafts in a petri dish after harvesting so dont worry about that, this is common, i really think in your case your grafts were not properly harvested and that is one of the major, i mean major setbacks of FUE. Try talking to your Doctor and tell him how you fell and what you think. I fell your pain its frustrating since i experienced it first hand,but hang in there...just a quick question did you happen to have had your surgery in NY or PA


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waynakyo said:
Thanks Smooth...this is scary though !
But my hair, th transplanted one, was still there for at least 4 months after surgery. I was thinking if the follicle was damaged, wouldn't have fallen instead ? Is it possible what you are saying, given that until now I had many of these hairs still sticking out ?

the doctor is quite famous and he has done many FUE. But what concerned me most is that he didn't seem too careful.
Like when they were first extracting these follicles from the donor area, they were put in some "cup" and they were left there for hours until the time of the actually transplant... is that common ?

I am really frickin pissed off.

Who and where was it that you got your transplant from, Let everyone know so they dont have to go through the same.


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waynakyo said:
Thanks Smooth...this is scary though !
But my hair, th transplanted one, was still there for at least 4 months after surgery. I was thinking if the follicle was damaged, wouldn't have fallen instead ? Is it possible what you are saying, given that until now I had many of these hairs still sticking out ?

the doctor is quite famous and he has done many FUE. But what concerned me most is that he didn't seem too careful.
Like when they were first extracting these follicles from the donor area, they were put in some "cup" and they were left there for hours until the time of the actually transplant... is that common ?

I am really frickin pissed off.

Who did you get the transplant from, let everyone know so they dont have a similar experience.


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If the grafts were still there for four months after surgery, which I doubt, then they growing and at least that part of the transplant was successful. You need real before and after pictures to show us what's happened. Maybe you lost more hair from male pattern baldness in that area.