incompetence at alvi armani


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anyone else here a canadian patient at alvi armani? Well if you need new meds the canadian number they tell you to call transfers you str8 to the bev hills office and the guy there HAS NO cLUE what to do! This has been going on all week you call in make an order for more propecia and the guy just takes down ur info and then nothing they dont even contact you or ship out your meds.

When you call and ask him he doesnt know ANYTHING like he doesnt know what to do

IF you send them an e mail they will tell you to call the guy that knows nothing

has anyone else experienced such horror? GOd its driving me insane i need meds but the way they set it up there is no possible way for us to get it?

WHY ON earth would they do something like this? PUsh all their canadian customers to a guy in bev hills that has NO idea what to do?


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Re: incompatence at alvi armani

can i ask you about your alvi armani hair transplant experience? you got pics?


Established Member
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ok i got an e mail from them they told me because of armanis declining health issue they are closing down the toronto office and cant serve their canadian paitents anymore

this is very scary my dr wont perscribe psrcar to me can someone please help me i dont know what to do i need the meds ;(


Established Member
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maybe move to online pharmacies? sure, could be a bit nervewracking but theres a thread up in general disc. or the anti androgen forum where a guy had his online pills tested and they were 100% legit


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CAN SOMEONE PLS HELP ME? I HAVE BEEN OUT A WEEK AND NO DR WILL GIVE IT TO ME CAN I ORDER IT QUICKLY ONLINE? i AM THINNING AGAIN IT SEEMS ALREADY! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOS


Senior Member
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You can order it fairly quickly online; it may be with you in 5-7 days.

Otherwise, you'll just have to get a prescription in person from a GP. If your GP won't give you one, get another GP. If you've got hair loss, it's your right to get the meds - particularly if it's a re-prescription.


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cateyes81 said:
ok i got an e mail from them they told me because of armanis declining health issue they are closing down the toronto office and cant serve their canadian paitents anymore

I wonder if it's really his health or all those 20 something year old kids he gave aggressive hairlines to 3-4 years ago are starting to complain and realize they are fucked for life.

Read this story



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0 ... px?ID=1616

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

Policies and Publications

Practice Management Considerations for Physicians Who Cease to Practice, Take an Extended Leave of Absence or Close Their Practice Due to Relocation

Policy Number: #2-07
Policy Category: Administrative
Approved by Council: September 2006, February 2007
Reviewed and Updated: September 2007
Publication Date: April 2007
College Contact: Physician Advisory Service

(i) General

This policy applies to physicians who take an extended leave of absence or cease to practise for various reasons, including educational leave, sabbatical, parental leave, extended illness, practice closure due to relocation, or retirement. . .


1. Notification
(a) Patients

The physician should provide his/her patients with notification of practice closure or restrictions as soon as possible after it becomes apparent that he/she will be leaving or restricting practice, in order to allow patients an opportunity to find another physician.

Acceptable methods of notification are:

o In person, at a scheduled appointment;
o Letter to the patient; and/or
o Telephone call to the patient.

Supplementary methods of notification the physician may also wish to use include:

o Printed notice, posted in the office in a place that is accessible even when the office is closed;
o Newspaper advertisement; and/or
o Recorded message on the office answering machine.

When providing this notification, the physician should remind patients where they can go to obtain emergency or urgent care. . .

5. Prescription Medication

The physician should attempt to facilitate patient access to prescription medication required for long-term or chronic conditions. To facilitate access, the physician may do one of the following:

o Where medically appropriate, provide the patient with renewals or repeats of the required medication(s) in order to allow the patient reasonable time to find alternative care; or
o Advise the patient to attend another physician as soon as possible to have their prescription(s) renewed. . ."

Complaints can be filed here: ... px?id=1772