Increased need to urinate


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I had been taking 0.5mg of finasteride, but I was losing ground so in the last month or so I have increased the dose to 1mg a day.

Recently I have found that I need to urinate a lot more than previously. So I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences, and therefore if it may be connected to the finasteride.

Thank you


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I had thought that shrinking the prostate would make you urinate less. I suppose that anything is possible.


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Funny that , I'm on 0.5mg finasteride and dont know if its the finasteride or not but for a while back there I was urinating much more than normal , seems to be ok at the moment though just thought I maybe had an infection , Oh and I'm 49


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Sure its not just a new habit you got? If you often pee before you actally have to your bladder gets used to it and you got to pee more regulary. It can be trained up by holding a little longer each time, like using a peeplan here you go to the toilet at certan hours and slowly increase it. I had huge succes with it from having to pee 5 - 6 times at work to just at lunce and when im done for the day


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Thanks for the advice. It seems to have settled down for me, so maybe it was just an infection.