Incresed shedding 21 days on propecia?


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I am 26 years old and just got divorced in october of 04. It has been since that time that I have been observing diffuse thinning and some temple recession. I might have been thinning for a while and just didnt notice it (bad lighting in my bathroom and just never looked to close). So I went to my doctor and just said my hair was thinning and h gave me propecia. I know this question has been asked before and I have done searches but I am getting a little nervous I have only been on propecia for now 24 days but about 3 days ago I went from maybe 5 - 10 hairs comming out in the shower to now about 40 - 50 ( I kow i should not count but i cant help it). Also when i just rub my hair only a couple would come out but now a bunch are coming out. I just wanted to know if 3 weeks is to early to have a shed or just ride it out. The other thing I noticed is that it seems that my temples are starting to fill in with brown hairs where the thinning was and I now that is way to early for propecia to work so what I really wanted to know was I to hasty in taking propecia and my hairloss was just stress related and by going on propecia mabye in some way I accelerated my hairloss. Any help would be gratly appreciated because I dont know if I should stop taking the propecia or not.