Indian yoga 'fingernail' treatment for male pattern baldness....(?!)


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0 DOES sound bizarre :wink: - but an Indian pal of mine stated that he saw a guy on Indian TV (some Yoga Guru guy) who apparently grew a full(!) head of hair through some yoga treatment that involves rubbing the fingernails together to increase blood supply to scalp via (?) chakra points etc.... :freaked:

Obviously, let's say I'm not really 'convinced(!)' - and could find virtually nothing about this on the 'net - and am pretty sure that if it did work that it would spread round the world like wildfire!! :eek:

Anyone else hear about this(?)


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hairhaircomeagain said:
Its all crap dude...dont believe in such $#iT..

Somehow I thought that would be anyone who read this's point of view! :lol: I thought I'd 'heard them all', until I heard about this 'treatment'.....(and I once heard someone swearing that if you get a dairy cow to lick your scalp that this also regows all of your hair....! :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Still - makes this hairloss lark partially more 'amusing'! :lol:


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i'd categorise this under can't hurt, might help. acunpunctures effectiveness has been proved in clinical trials so anything that stimulates certain points in the body should be viewed with a slightly open mind at least. oh and this exact method has been brought up before on this board, ages ago by some CoachRandy guy or some name like that.


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I recall reading about this on hairloss forums before also. Do you remember the exact specifics? How long you should rub your figernails togethor, how many times a day, etc? just curious...


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Hi Packers,

Sorry - don't know the details. Did a web-search for this, but no luck with any detail. Also, I did go a tad 'OTT' about this 'technique' with my opinion: :roll: There may well be something in it - though I personally doubt it, I may be wrong - you never know! :)


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imagine if we could regrow our hair by just rubbing our dick =.=


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there are a couple of ppl experimenting with this technique on a forum I use to follow, it's in italian though. someone clamis it's kind of effective, the act itself of rubbing the nails for minutes it's very annoying to me.


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I have heard of that technique before, its called balaiyam or something.

There is a video and a website.


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Also heard of this. My nan told my mum to tell me to do it. I think the Indian yoga guy in question is Swami Ramdev. I did it a few times but gave up after a day or two.

Apparently you need to do it for about 5-10 minutes a day.


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alebaba - Did you do the technique with 1 finger at a time? Or with all fingers at the same time? You're supposed to do all fingers at the same time. The one finger technique is bulls****


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Flushing my propecia down the toilet as I type this. Clearly the solution to male pattern baldness we have all been waiting for has finally happened and we all had a hand in it?


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abcdefg said:
Flushing my propecia down the toilet as I type this. Clearly the solution to male pattern baldness we have all been waiting for has finally happened and we all had a hand in it?

What an idiotic, desperate yet failed attempt to be funny. When did anyone say in this thread that it's a cure or even helps a tiny bit? It was just people discussing something we've all heard about. Move on ...


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ukmale24 said:
What an idiotic, desperate yet failed attempt to be funny. When did anyone say in this thread that it's a cure or even helps a tiny bit? It was just people discussing something we've all heard about. Move on ...

wanna buy an ipod?


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it's called Balayam as posted before.
about 10 regulars on HLH tried it for about 6 months. we tried to tell them it was nonsense but they wouldn't listen. 6 months later (when they realised no hair would grow back) they all stopped mentioning it.

I don't know why the Youtube guy was promoting it because he wasn't getting anything from it (this is why the guys over on HLH were convinced it worked).


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I'm absolutely amazed at the lack of interest with Balayam ! This wonderful method of regrowing hair is

Start today, the sooner you start rubbing the sooner the hair will start growing. It's simple and costs absolutely nothing. So why not take advantage of it ? Others have, and now enjoy the benefits. :bravo:


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2020 said:
ukmale24 said:
What an idiotic, desperate yet failed attempt to be funny. When did anyone say in this thread that it's a cure or even helps a tiny bit? It was just people discussing something we've all heard about. Move on ...

wanna buy an ipod?
Isn't your trolling on hairsite enough? No need to act stupid here too.