individual hairs


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I've been on fincar for almost four months now. No change up top for better or worse, but I am increasingly worried about my Norwood 2 hairline. It is already thin enough to be transparent in bright light, but I am afraid it is not my imagination that my right temple is becoming even thinner, and is developing an "upper cut." Honestly, I really can't tell. Sometimes I would swear by it and other times I think the whole hairline is even. And this is closely examining it with double mirrors for minutes on end.

What makes me doubly anxious is not knowing what the appearance of shed hairs should be at this point, in a best-case scenario. Almost all of them are still thinner at the bulb end than the outer end. Occasionally I find one that is even, but I don't know what, if anything, this means. That particular follicle hadn't been affected by DHT yet?
From what anybody here knows, is four months late to still be shedding hairs that are thinner at the bulb? Is it evidence that I am not a responder?

Please answer, ye knowledgable ones.

I wish I could really ask you guys what you think about my hairline, but I still don't have a freakin' digital cam!


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Alot of people on here would tell you to stick with it for a year then examine were you are....if youve gained,thinned,etc.

Only then can you establish a solid judgment about whethere or not your still thinning.


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Well, I'd like to say it's 1 mg, but I'm not very good at cutting that pill evenly. So I'd say it can range from .7 mg to maybe 1.2 mg. Average? Possibly around .9 to 1.1.

I hope that doesn't matter. Much. :shock:


Established Member
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I curious about this as well. Been on finasteride for 7 months and about 50% of the hair I´m shedding is thinner at the end - the other 50% is equal thickness each end.



Established Member
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I curious about this as well. Been on finasteride for 7 months and about 50% of the hair I´m shedding is thinner at the end - the other 50% is equal thickness each end.



Jaygee said:
Well, I'd like to say it's 1 mg, but I'm not very good at cutting that pill evenly. So I'd say it can range from .7 mg to maybe 1.2 mg. Average? Possibly around .9 to 1.1.

I hope that doesn't matter. Much. :shock:

No this is not a problem as your Finasteride serum levels are built up over days/weeks so 0.7mg - 1.3mg - 0.8mg - 0.9mg - 1.1mg - 1.1mg etc etc is ok.

Studies show doses as low as 0.2mg are almost as effective as 1mg, so keep to around 1mg and you should be fine.

Blue is right, four months is a little early to assess your situation, you must let finasteride do it's work over a longer period before deciding if it is working.

This also applies to your hair shaft diameter question, the thinning out of the hair at the shaft is not ideal, but that is why you are on finasteride.

Good luck



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Yeah, i had never noticed it before, but i was examing my thinner hairs, (which i can point out easily cause my hair is longer than most) and i'd say that the shorter, thinner ones aren't so thin all the way through; but, i can't tell which end exactly is which. I was hoping that maybe the hair shafts were getting stronger, and were being ejected by the follicle in favor of stronger hairs.

But then again, i am an idiot.

BTW, where would you guys recommend i order proscar from?


Jaygee said:
I wish I could really ask you guys what you think about my hairline, but I still don't have a freakin' digital cam!

Because everyone is different the affects of finasteride will not be the same for everyone. You really need to stick with it for at least a year. Even then you may need more time. Also, you need to take into consideration the state of your hair loss before you start finasteride and what you would like to expect. if you hair loss is quite severe then it's likley that the results may not meet your expectations.

Some people respond better than others.