Info on new treatment I found

Invisible hair

New Member
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I came across a story on cnn or one of those news channels about some clinic offering a new treatment for hair loss. The treatment is called biowhatchamacallit, and I can't find any info on their web site about it. Has anyone heard of it or even tried it. I'm curious to know if its another scam or has any promise. The pics on the site show some good results but we all know how reliable those can be.

[URL Edited out by Admin]


Senior Member
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Looks sh*t to me, mainly wigs!

Invisible hair

New Member
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why the heck did they edit out my link. Do they think i'm hawking the stuff. well what ever I could care less about it just wanted to see if anyone knew anything about it.Also where did you see wigs, i saw no wigs anywhere on that site.


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Invisible hair said:
why the heck did they edit out my link.

Probably becuase it is your first post, there are other ways to restore your hair, if you had posted here for a while and proven not to be a shill then I guess people would not think you are just here to promote a website.