
Information On Mono With Poly Base Hair Systems


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I read that mono base pieces can last from 8+ months. Does anyone here have experience with these pieces? How do they compare to french lace?


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Hi Anoysentos

I have never worn one, but I have seen them up close. It was the standard base for mens' hair systems before lace became widely available, and you certainly still see it being used. The material is like the mesh on a bug screen (the sort you get on doors and windows). It is tough and breathable, but it doesn't disappear against your skin like lace, so hairpieces that use this have to have a high density of hair, otherwise you would be able to see the base through the gaps between the hairs. It would still be visible at the crown and on a hard parting. You can't have an exposed hairline with mono - it would just look fake - so you have to have a brushed down style.

I can believe a mono base would last for 8 months - probably much longer. The durability of a piece made like this would depend on the hair rather than the base. Human hair wouldn't look that great after 8 months - the sun takes its toll on it, and it would start to look dried out and off colour.

Honestly, if you are looking for a natural undetectable look I would guess a mono unit might be a false economy. Mono with a lace front which you can have replaced might be worth considering.
