ingredients in Australia to make topicals?


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I am going to make 2 topicals, one with rooibos tea extract and another with possibly gte / EGCG.

I would like input on which solvent to use:

- Rubbing Alcohol
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Vodka
- Emu Oil

Does anyone have anything else to suggest that I can source locally in Australia?


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bump again.

Methylated spirits is probably no good, as it contains a mixture of 'toxic' ingredients and the mixtures vary from country to country


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Mate,Give up.Your not going to invent anything that works.Get on propecia and get a transplant.


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lol. getting a transplant is 'giving up' imho.

i can't take propecia.

there are hundreds of other potential treaments.

i am giving emu oil + gte a shot as well as alcohol and gte.

i have ordered flutagel as well to use at night. as well as activ-m to try on alternate days.

thanks for the comments though.


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billythekid said:
lol. getting a transplant is 'giving up' imho.

i can't take propecia.

there are hundreds of other potential treaments.

i am giving emu oil + gte a shot as well as alcohol and gte.

i have ordered flutagel as well to use at night. as well as activ-m to try on alternate days.

thanks for the comments though.

if you are using alcohol maybe try steeping green tea leaves in the alcohol before making your topical i guess. tea tree oil apparently has a mild anti androgenic effect also.


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thanks powersam.

i am currently using green tea extract, which is powder form.

the things i have read about making a topical EGCG:

- the forumulation should be 10% EGCG, e.g. 0.1g of EGCG per 1ml. (so i would use 0.2g GTE per 1ml)
- unless the formulation is in mineral oil, it will degrade rapidly after 24hrs, so u need to mix a new topical each day [ok this is incorrect]

the alcohol formulation i made was probably 0.5% EGCG. so i was effectively testing the effect of alcohol. it made my hair really dry, but it felt really clean

emu oil formulation is about correct. it's an ugly brown color and really thick

i am guessing and hoping that the EGCG in the emu oil formulation does not degrade


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billythekid said:
- unless the formulation is in mineral oil, it will degrade rapidly after 24hrs, so u need to mix a new topical each day

any chance you'd be able to point me toward where you read that?


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Katerina Dvorakova1, Robert T. Dorr1, Susanne Valcic1, Barbara Timmermann1 and David S. Alberts1

(1) Arizona Cancer Center, The University of Arizona, 1515 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA Tel.: +1-520-626-7892; fax: +1-520-626-2751; E-mail:, US

Abstract Purpose: (?)-Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the main physiologically active polyphenol of green tea, is associated with antitumor and antimutagenic activities. The goal of this study was to determine the stability and?pharmacokinetic parameters of pure EGCG administered topically to human and mouse skin. Methods:?EGCG was investigated by measuring drug levels of a 10% ointment formulation stored under different conditions over a period of 6 months. To determine pharmacokinetic parameters of EGCG following topical application, EGCG was applied as 10% EGCG in hydrophilic ointment USP to full-thickness mouse or human skin in vitro. The transdermal and intradermal. Penetration of EGCG was measured by reverse phase HPLC assays at different time-points. Results: The stability of EGCG in hydrophilic ointment USP was dependent on time, temperature and the degree of oxidation. For example, 10% EGCG was lost after 2 days at 37?°C, but the same formulation supplemented with 0.1% butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) had significantly longer stability with ?90% EGCG remaining after 130 days at 37?°C. Topical application of EGCG in hydrophilic ointment USP to human or mouse skin resulted in substantial intradermal uptake of up to 1–20% of the applied dose. However, transdermal penetration was observed only in mouse skin. Conclusion: The present study showed that topical application of EGCG in hydrophilic ointment USP achieved high concentrations in skin but negligible systemic availability. The drug was susceptible to oxidation, but if supplemented with BHT, the hydrophilic ointment formulation could potentially be used in clinical trials of skin cancer prevention.
Key words Green tea - Catechins - Skin - Topical - Chemoprevention

Received: 9 February 1998?/?Accepted 14 August 1998


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ok so not quite as bad as i initially thought about the degradation of EGCG. but i'm not sure that's the article i read.

and i got it wrong about the mineral oil.
you need to prevent oxidization, they used BHT = Butylated hydroxytoluene (antioxidant food additive)

i've used my topicals for the past 2-3 days and.......... i have been really thirsty!!!
it is known that green tea is a diuretic, probably because of the caffeine, so i suspect it is getting absorbed really well, maybe a little too well.


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no idea where i'd get hold of butylated hydroxytoluene. so i figure i'll just keep my green tea minoxidil in the fridge to slow it down.


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Green tea rinse

I've been making a green tea rinse, I use 5/6 bags of all natural tea to make it, to about a plastic water bottle worth of water, can't really tell if it's helping but it smells good and makes me hair soft, I'd really like to think there's a way to stop balding without taking pro or finasteride, like a full assault of topicals. But information and results are hard to find, trying to find another natural topical, or maybe just an improvement in my regiment


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Notice how many of these threads that you have been digging up are years old. These alternative treatments were tried and given up on as they should have been.


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Your so pesimistic. And I could care less if theyve been tried and given up on, Im still going to try them. If you don't believe a natural solution is possible that's cool. But don't knock other people or try to discourage them cause you feel your an expert

Captain Hook

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Your so pesimistic. And I could care less if theyve been tried and given up on, Im still going to try them. If you don't believe a natural solution is possible that's cool. But don't knock other people or try to discourage them cause you feel your an expert

He's not knocking them, he's trying to prevent you from wasting your time. The OP can't take Propecia, that's fine but why not try something that actually has some studies to back it? At the very least he or you could get on Nizoral 2%. Get on topical spironolactone or even RU58841 if you're okay with using research chemicals so you can further address DHT inhibition. Finally add minoxidil if you're keen on regrowth but this isn't absolutely necessary.

I swear, pretty soon someone is going to post about applying urine to their scalp with a food brush or something to stop their hair loss. It's strange, people really seem to have a problem with proven treatments and I can't understand why.

Captain Hook

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Which company or person proved what treatments?

The FDA and various associated clinical studies in the case of finasteride and minoxidil and in the case of spironolactone, RU58841, ketoconazole and alfatradiol, various clinical studies.

Captain Hook

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Well share us the studies then.

Check my story, most known study links for alfatradiol, spironolactone and ketoconazole are all posted in the first post of that thread.

As for minoxidil and finasteride, come on mate, don't be lazy, since they are both FDA approved there are a plethora of studies on those two medications, literally just google 'minoxidil' or 'finasteride' followed by 'PubMed study androgenic alopecia'