Initial Propecia Side Effects : dizziness, nausea ??


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Has anyone had the experience of initial propecia side effects that are not really documented (in Propecia booklet for example)?

I have been taking the tablet for 5 days. About 15 min after taking each tablet, I feel light headed, dizzy, increased heart rate (or so it seems). This lasts maybe an hour or two, then I feel fine. I am now on the fifth day, and I have developed some nausea and diahrea :(

I guess the best thing is to go back to my doctor (and i will), but I just wondered if someone else might have gone thru these initial symptoms, and what was the end result. I have heard that finasteride messes with your hormones and can cause some initial malaise, but then your systems adjusts.

Thanks in advance :roll:


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i wouldn't even bouther the doctor.
if u can take the side effects deal with them for 2 weeks or so and see if they disappear or just quit right now.the doctor can t tell u anything else .


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If you're taking it without food, try taking it with food.

If you're taking it with food, try taking it without food.

Personally I always take mine with food and never had the side effects you've mentioned.


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I have experience feeling dizzy a little too. Nothing serious though that I was worried about it. I'm at the two week mark now and have had nothing, but aches in my nuts. Nothing horrible but it still bothers me. I have also noticed over the last couple of days that I have been very moody. Anyone ever have mood swings on finasteride????


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HELL NO I've never had mood swings on propecia!! What the hell is wrong with you!?!? :roll:


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I got some wierd symptoms such as the nut ache and dizzyness and heart palpations but they went away and i never really worried about them.

I never got mood swings though - Not from proscar, but i thing the mood swings come from the fact that your losing your hair and pissed off!

In reply to sadhairloss there are people on this forum who have seen regrowth and cessation of hair loss. I stopped mine and regrew hair using proscar, minoxidil and Nizoral.



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Recedingguy said:
I have been taking the tablet for 5 days. About 15 min after taking each tablet, I feel light headed, dizzy, increased heart rate (or so it seems).
That is too soon to be a result of the Propecia on your system/hormones. If anything you may be having a sensitive reaction to something via your stomach, or it is nothing more than psychosematic.

Recedingguy said:
I have heard that finasteride messes with your hormones and can cause some initial malaise, but then your systems adjusts.
These are things that kick in 2-3 days after taking Propecia. I have a very very very (did I say very yet?) sensitive stomach and sensitivity to medications. My whole life every time I have popped a pill I could tell I had taken something soon after. Propecia was the first pill that I popped that absolutely nothing happened in the hour or so after taking it. The malaise effects come a few days into it after your body's hormone levels have been kicked out of whack for awhile.

Take it at the same time every day, try the food or without food idea, and distract yourself after taking it :)


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Yeah, i also was thinking that 15-20 min after taking the drug is kind of soon to be feeling dizzy and light headed, but just think about recreational drugs (as an example), most of those hit u in the same short time period, so i guess its not all that inconceivable.

Starting today, I am cutting back to 0.5 mg per day and see if that helps. At least it means I can ride it out a little & might not have to abandon using Propecia right away. Any reason i should not do this? Also, is propecia even somewhat effective at this lower dose? :?