Initial shedding phase on propecia


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I've been on propecia and nizoral for almost 2 months. I noticed that I was losing my hair last year when I noticed that i could sort of see my scalp in the under a bright light and my right temple had receded by 1 cm (I'm 20 by the way). I had been losing alot in the shower and still have since then. I'm what would be considered a diffuse thinner with receded temples, which have receded to a Norwood 1.5 - Norwood 2 fashion.

Basically I was shedding alot before I got onto propecia and have been shedding even more now, so much so that I have begun to see my scalp clearly when my hair is wet and my hair has really lost its texture and thickness (I'm so happy that I've got toppik at hand to cover this up). I've been shedding different types of hair, some thick some thin but I'd say the majority has been more on the thin side.

I know many people say that shedding is a good sign and that it will lead to regrowth but it's still a daunting process considering that I was experiencing sheds prior to the treatment.

Anyway, my question is how long could this shedding last for and did you shed intially on propecia/generic finasteride?

Also, has anyone here who was shedding prior to taking propecia/generic finasteride see a reduction in shedding or a complete halt later on down the line?


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Hey aj218 i wasnt shedding before finasteride but now for three months all i do is shedding hair thick and thin hair mostly on the harline and temples. So i am well bellow baseline and i havent seen any regrowth yet . i also use nizoral twice. Theoritically the hairs will come back but none really knows if the sheeded hair will come back thicker thiner or not at all. Cheers. Also do you shed hair from the back and sides of your head? Any change in your body hair ?


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Yeah my shed is happening more at the front than anywhere else. I have been shedding from my sides but i think that's a genetic thing because alot of men in my family have thin sides, even the ones who aren't showing any signs of male pattern baldness. My back is still thick though.

Funnily enough, I have been losing quite a bit of body hair. I'm quite happy about this because I lucked out in the genetic gamble by being a very hairy guy, i mean I actually have back hair (hairy bodied and bald would be a bad combination), which has now been thinning out. On my arms I have been noticing vellus hairs replace the terminal hairs. I guess this could be a good sign depending on if my body hair was DHT dependent.

Another thing I'd like to add is that my sebum production is at an all time low. My scalp was so oily my hair would shine. I've also lost the oily face i was used to since start of puberty which was such an annoyance. I guess this would be another plus.