Inner Talk


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:shock: I recently purchased a CD from Inner Talk which has subliminal messages on growing hair. Has anyone tired this?


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I actually saw a Russian website by a guy who did this and claimed he had success. He made the CD's himself with some type of subliminal message software placing his own voice inside his favourite music tracks.

He was selling the CD's but I didn't buy - I would have had to teach my subconscious to understand Russian first. Plus his taste in music was pretty bad - subliminal hair growth messages inside thrash metal is pretty freaky.

Funny tho'.



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This is a topic that appeals to me on a grand scale for various reasons prior to my involvement with hair loss.

Many people would regard subliminal and subconscious programming as unconventional and whilst this may be the majority consensus, it is only so by nature of the constraints in which are placed upon the way people think in todays prefabricated society.

I can not vouch for Inner Talk and their products but if you REALLY want to delve into the depths the subliminal and subconscious you should read,

"The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles" - By Bruce Lipton.

He proposes that Genes (genetics) do NOT control our biology but rather our Genes are controlled or influenced by our cells or in particular the signals that communicate with our cells.

Can our thoughts influence our cells? In turn which influence our Genes? Plausible.

These are thought provoking claims I must admit but you need to appreciate the proposition for what it potentially is worth. If there is credence in the subject, weight in the fruit of his and others labor within the field then the entire way in which we "think" must be reassessed for our thoughts define who and what we are.

Do I believe?

Yes, I have an element of belief in this subject by way of interest in the science behind thought and the power to create, define and heal oneself.

It may be hard science to swallow for some, but your beliefs become you.

You may also want to investigate Quantum Psychics the "Law of Attraction" (ask thy universe and they shall receive) which is in essence related to this topic in part and the understanding of which will provide you a greater foundation to achieve anything that you desire.

You may wish to investigate films such as,

  • The Secret
    What The Bleep Do We Know!?
    What The Bleep: How far down the rabbit hole!?

The current way in which the majority of us "think" is bound by restraint that limits our potential.

Everything you have in your life now is the result of the beliefs you grant to your thoughts.


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:!: I posted the question about the subliminal CD from innertalk they also have DVD's that have geometrical designs blended into the sublimnal messages. I don't know if they have one for hairloss but I will call them & find out. I have watched the Secert & What the bleep do we know. The Quantum Psychics law of attraction theory really has peaked my interest. I have a picture of Ted Danson on my computer desktop that i look at alot. My thinking is listing to subliminal messages from the hairloss CD, which has lots of affirmaions about growing health hair & visulzing thick health hair could work! Your mind, brain etc. releases lots of chemicals into the body. Poistive thoughts health chemicals into the body, reversing hair loss. What do you think??? :shock:


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Well, if you have the extra cash, i cant see any reason for not buying it. Unless you consider a "reason" not giving money to scammers.


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Personally I would stay away from Inner Talk products.

I can not vouch for their validity nor can I discredit them BUT at the end of the day they are selling you a product to solve an age old problem.

There is other material out there that you would greatly benefit from which whilst has not been designed with the intent on growing a full head of hair, shall provide you with the fundamental building blocks necessary to pursue this path.

Simply buying a product that claims to restore your hair with subliminal reprogramming is not going to work unless you are immersed in the sciences, theory and philosophy of this new and alternative process of "thinking" and most importantly truly UNDERSTAND it.

This is one of the reasons why people buy these products and they don't work. It is not for the potential fact that they may be bunk products but it is for the more likely fact that the individual employing the use of such products is unequipped to yield the benefits available to him, had he only the fundamental understanding before he began.

That is why I recommend you get your hands on texts and audio from Bruce Litpon, Robert Anthony and Joe Vitale.


What your saying about positive thoughts releasing chemicals into the body that can heal for lack of better phrasing is in part correct. This is where you need "The Biology of Belief" and or any of his audio/video presentations solicited or not.

Simply PM me with your MSN, ICQ, AIM or YAHOO contact if you would like specifics.



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sphlanx2006 said:
Well, if you have the extra cash, i cant see any reason for not buying it. Unless you consider a "reason" not giving money to scammers.
i would say that falls under giving money to scammers :agree:


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Hair Loss & the power of the Mind!

I recently posted about a subliminal tape on hair loss. I have been listening to the tape & using some of the techniques outlined in the DVD called the Secret. I have received lots of favorable & unfavorable opinions to this approch. You know who you are!
My questions for the sceptics. How do you know if it doesn't work if you have not tried it??
My hair has been looking better than ever before & I feel better about myself! I will admit it could be the placbo effect buy what ever it is it WORKS!! Cancer can go into remission! Why could not hair grow or guit falling out? Even if it didn"t grow hair it could help one to let go of the shamefull feeling's regarding bladness! I hope each & everyone of us on this form would encourage one another to, FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT & NOT GIVE UP HOPE ON HAIR LOSS.
SouthDakota :evil:


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people who believe this stuff, are the same type to think that people can talk in tongues at wacko churches, and pat robertson heals people on TV