inspiration from the veterans


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hey guys, i really need some feedback here. i had some early success with the propecia, hair seemed to be getting thicker, but i think i've been shedding again or something, my hairline is sh*t again, and the temples seem thin now (they never seemed that bad before) i'm about five months and two weeks deep, and i still see a lot of little hairs coming through the hairline when i pull it back, but the damn temples are thinner. is this what you guys noticed throughout your treatment? do i still have a chance of recovering some of this hairline? i don't mind playing the waiting game as long as i know i've still got a shot of some success, is the propecia "six months = start of regrowth" a bunch of bs, or would i start seeing some of that come in here soon?

god i can't help but think i'm one of those non-DHT hair loss people that the article posted about and that propecia is a lost cause :-(

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Trent... when did you begin your treatment? Remember that it takes a year before you should start evaluating yourself. Patience, my friend. Be consistent, and be patient.


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Gard pretty much just said it all...all you can do is wait it out right now....wait until the year mark ..then look in a mirror and evaluate yourself and if things have gotten worse or better.