
Fallout Boy

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I wish they would update their site a little more often damnit! Im really intrested to see how theyre moving along...if everythings going good or ....not so good. thats all


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I agree. I think I posted the same comment earlier. I know I was thinking it, anyway.

I participated in a clinical trial completely unrelated to hair loss, and I got a first-hand glimpse of what goes on, and what slows the process down. A big factor was availability of the doctor, and the patient (believe it or not). The two have to be scheduled to meet, usually at some predetermined time interval, defined by the trial rules/protocol.

Another thing to keep in mind is that they don't want to reveal anything until they know for sure how well it works. Look at us, we are all hopefull about this company's product already, and there is still a lot of work to do. The concept is golden, I think. But putting together the right formula to culture the stem cells, etc. will take some work.

The trial that I was in was for a topical to treat rosacea, and it was already on the market as a prescription drug for another condition. News got out that it worked so well, that people tried it on their own. I guess it worked for some, but not for me, I was the first to undergo the official trial. So it wouldn't be good for anybody to announce that it didn't work, just because it didn't work for me. Maybe it will work for the next 19/20 to undergo the Phase I trial, who knows. Same argument goes for Intercytex and their product.

One good thing about not hearing anything in the meantime is that when we do get news, it will be quite certain, whether it works or not. That's the benefit of waiting a long time for the answer.

Sorry to ramble. Good luck.

Fallout Boy

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They have Just recently succesfully cloned a Dog. A cell taken from the dog's ear was used to clone a perfeclty healthy puppy. They have been able to clone other animals but never dogs. So this is good news in the cloning world. I know its not exactly what intercytex is doing but if people around the world are starting to uncover the mysteries of cloning I think Hair multiplication isn't farfetched or unrealistic at all. It's only a matter of time.


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fallout boy said:
They have Just recently succesfully cloned a Dog. A cell taken from the dog's ear was used to clone a perfeclty healthy puppy. They have been able to clone other animals but never dogs. So this is good news in the cloning world. I know its not exactly what intercytex is doing but if people around the world are starting to uncover the mysteries of cloning I think Hair multiplication isn't farfetched or unrealistic at all. It's only a matter of time.

dont hold your breath.


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Yeah, it's going to be a while before it comes out. I e-mailed Intercytex about their procedure for hair loss recently. They told me they're still in Phase I and are not sure about when it comes out. So, I think after 2010 it will come out.

I still have school to finish and finding work.

When this eventually comes out, will other hair loss specialists besides Bosley be having this? Baldies would like their hair back!


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DaSand said:
Yeah, it's going to be a while before it comes out. I e-mailed Intercytex about their procedure for hair loss recently. They told me they're still in Phase I and are not sure about when it comes out. So, I think after 2010 it will come out.

I still have school to finish and finding work.

When this eventually comes out, will other hair loss specialists besides Bosley be having this? Baldies would like their hair back!

what exactly did they email you? could you copy/paste it?


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Actually, jeffsss, I accidentally deleted it when I was deleting junk from my mail pile. It was just a response to my question saying they weren't sure when it would come out since they said they're still in Phase I.

I wish I didn't do that...