Interesting conversation with ALL the hair stylists...


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I went to get my hair cut last night, and there was practically nobody else getting a cut because the place was just about to close. But there were 7 hair stylists there, all ladies.

The girl that cuts my hair is way cool, and we have that connection that good friends have. So I felt comfortable talking about hair loss with her.

Here's what is interesting:

When I asked the gal cutting my hair if she ever gets asked questions about hair loss from other clients, she said "All the time! They complain that they wish they had more hair, that they don't know why they are losing it, or if they can get it back." That tells me that the majority of men are completely ignorant about it, just like I was over a year ago before I found this site.

SO, I started filling her in on the causes of hair loss, the patterns, treatments, and then I mentioned this site. All the girls stopped what they were doing to listen in. I got just a taste of how must feel knowing that he started this site.

I'm seriously going to send them a letter with an intro of this site, and see if a lot of Tucsonans suddenly join after I send it. It won't be a coincidence.

I just think that if the taboo is gone, and more poeple are aware of hair loss, it will only help. Perhaps it will help the perception that people have about the sufferers of hair loss, I don't know. But I think that if interest in treatment grows, interest in finding a solution will grow with it. Supply and demand, baby!

I'll send the letter to them and ask them to put it somewhere, and see what comments they get. If the result is positive, I'll encourage others to join me.


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Very good point.

I recently have "come out" with other guys that I am good friends with, some of whom are either clearly male pattern baldness or have some loss that is normal with being in your 30s, etc. I was surprised at how receptive they were, and upon seeing my results so far, many are going to get on minoxidil and finasteride as soon as possible.

I believe that just as women have "girl talk" and discuss periods, mustaches, leg hair, sex drives, tit size, etc, men have every right and every reason to discuss issues that (primarily) effect men. Women use Oil of Olay for their skin, to stay youthful...there is nothing wrong with men discussing with other men (or as in your case, hairstylist) what we can do to fight hairloss.

In the end, if you are using a product or products, I don't think anyone cares. I have been with several women in the last few months, a couple who knew I used minoxidil, and one that I admitted using finasteride (she vaguely knew what it was, and I explained the sides to which she laughed, "You must be in the 98 percent)

Hair loss is a serious issue that effects men and women, millions, and we are doing our part by getting the word out.