interesting growth stimulant - or snake oil?



Hmm that's interesting. People who bought this say that this works on eyebrows. So why would it not work on scalp? Someone there asked a question if this works on a thinning hair, and the seller answered yes.

Here is what it contains:


It's interesting that it's patented. I see no minoxidil here. Has anyone used it?


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I also found the "patented" ingridients especially noteworthy. Since it includes no minoxidil, wonder what causes the growth (if what they say are true) ?


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People who bought this say that this works on eyebrows. So why would it not work on scalp?

because eyebrows do not develop the sensitivity to androgens like areas of scalp hair does perhaps?


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Yes, eyebrows are not sensitive to DHT. The only ingredient beneficial for hair loss in this product is Nettle. The main purpose of this product is for females who screwed up their eyebrows and want to accelerate the growth of that area to grow in again.

Seller description:
"I formulated this product after slipping with the hot wax and pulling off half my eyebrow! (I have plucked each individual hair ever since.) I was horrified, because your eyebrows really make or break your look. "


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True, the eyebrows are not sensitive to DHT. But the seller claims it can grow hair where not seen before, sounds alomst too good to be true... I guess this means reactivating non-active hair follicles to start produce hair again.

"Especially if you have never grown hair in that spot or using to thicken your brows. Those results can take up to 30 days, sometimes even beyond, but it does actually work! "

seems like some ingridients in the formula stimulates the hair follicle to grow. If it works, maybe the product can be effective on thin vellum hairs, to transform them into normal hairs?

(ripple-effect) What effect does the ingridient Nettle have on the follicles?


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Nettle is supposibly another natural dht inhibitor, Its usually found alongside saw palmetto combinations, in tablets and shampoos, along with lypocine, and others. I think its also claimed to be a growth stimulator.

Dont know if theres any proof to say it does anything though. In my years of being scammed by these 'natural' preparations i never got anything other than shedding.

And i highly doubt this product does anything for miniturized hairs. I mean if u apply things that make hairs grow faster to a miniturized hair, all u get is a miniturized hair that grows faster to its predetermined miniturized length.

by all means try it though. I still try things that i dont think will work, how else will we find better treatments.


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Maybe it is just another "to good to be true" product out there to steal our bucks. Would be interesting though to try it out on a small spot for a couple of months, to see if anything happens.