Interesting Lasercomb article

Green Soap

Established Member
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Very, very interesting.

What I want to know is..

How does a laser stop hairloss and regrow hair? What about DHT and all that jazz?


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I especially like these two statements:

"The clinical data we submitted was statically significant. These numbers are significantly better than any other product approved to date for hair regrowth."


"Furthermore the LaserComb has been demonstrated in this clinical study to work effectively in both the frontal hairline region and in the vertex or crown area. This is very important as no other product on the market has shown significant effectiveness in both these areas."



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It´s just so pricey :( If there was cell count improvement or visible that fibrosis was removed then I´d swarm all over it - but until then I just don´t know.


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nesta said:
It´s just so pricey :( If there was cell count improvement or visible that fibrosis was removed then I´d swarm all over it - but until then I just don´t know.

I agree the initial price is expensive............ $650 big ones. However, if the comb lasts you 10 years that is only $65 bucks per year. It's actually cheaper than most other treatments if you think about the long run.

Green Soap

Established Member
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Well, if what they are saying is true then I will definitely be adding one to the arsenal.

I'm holding out another 6 months to see if I need to switch up my minoxidil to Proxiphen and add the laser comb.

So many options becoming available.


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is the laser comb meant more for people with moderate thinning, as opposed to those of us who are shedding 200 hairs plus a day with extreme androgenetic alopecia??????? thanks. :hairy: