Iron deficiency & Hair loss


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Does anybody know if chronic low Ferritin levels can cause hair loss in men?

I only found out today that I have iron deficiency (just as my mum and granddad). My Doctor said I will most likely not be able to balance this with my diet. I am a heavy meat eater anyways. He prescribed something a kind of supplement. So I guess I have always had low levels ... my Ferritin levels are at 35 at the moment and the labs norm is 30 - 400. I know it can be lower than this.

However my hair is not only falling out it has ever since I can remember looked like crap. Really thin, feeling dead ... people used to call me Einstein. Any chance this can be due to the lack of iron.


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Google it man. Iron defeciency is directly involved with hair loss. If you have a receding hair line or thinning crown then you could also be suffering male pattern baldness, maybe accelerated your iron levels.


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goten574 said:
Get more iron in your life, it can't hurt.

Yes, it can. Iron accumulates with age and can be a problem especially to men.

The excess iron theory has been suggested before as an explanation to why women live about 5 to 8 years longer than men. Because women lose iron through menstruation, their iron levels are constantly lower than men's. The theory says that there is not only a correlation but a causation between age and iron levels. Keeping iron levels low should thus slow down aging in men as well.

From: How the accumulation of minerals might cause aging


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Well obviously I did google this but found that mostly women suffer from hair loss due to a lack of iron. How many men on this board had hair loss due to iron deficiency? I found one so far and his levels were at 1.2 ... I was diagnosed with male pattern baldness anyways, though the dermatologist never checked my mineral levels. I will see another one now on monday about this.

However thanks for your replies I will keep you posted.