Is a hair transplant or what have you even worth it at a certain point?


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I'm 32 and looking like I'm slowly on my way to a NW6 or 7. I'm going to start the meds soon, but I would also like a permanent solution. Is this really just a waste of money for guys like that?


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I've just had some reservations about being able to spread the hair out enough to actually look like I'm not losing it. Not that I could afford it at the moment, anyway.


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Think about it mathematically. You simply do not have the donor area capacity to replace all that is lost for a Norwood 6 or 7.

However, if you think having some hair is better than no hair ( I personally do), then it is worth it. Of course, only with the right doctor who can handle and has a track record of handling complicated cases.


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I was going to say that the higher, firmer and less affected a person's fringe hair, the better the chances for a successful hair transplant. Those folks can almost re-establish juvenile hairlines some times and that was true going back to the 1980's. Unfortunately, diffuse thinners can often end up with bare patches if they get surgery and then bald excessively in the fringe/donor area. I have seen some sensational transplants but I have also seen some crappy comb-overs although that is less of a problem now because expertise at creating hairlines is much greater now.


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For me personally I consider hair transplant a really good option if you are 40+ with a norwood 3ish. Then again, some norwood 3 can look so good that I almost consider it a full head of hair and see no need for hair transplant. But nw4 and beyond i would personally never get a transplant. Sure if done rightly it could still popp off, but when you need to fill in to much hair it can look really fake and awful. If you just want to fill in minor gaps i think transplant is a perfect option for that, like Jordan Peterson did.