Is a hair transplant possible without damaging existing follicles


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Let me explain this, i have hair that is thinning out and going through miniturization. I am booked in for a hair transplant to add density. But is it possible to have a hair transplant without damaging existing follicles? The reason is ask is that i would like to get Histogens HSC or use Summamed when they come on the market in an attempt to reverse the miniturization on my native scalp hairs, but obviously i am concerned that the hair transplant will damage those native folicles?


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I've seen some excellent results of hair transplants in areas of existing thinning hair. But there's always a chance of damaging existing follicles. Happened to me. The "surgeon" said he would take extra care in working around existing hair, but the during the procedure he made the recipient incisions at a rapid fire pace. The quality of the surgeon will have a lot to do with your chances.


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Besides direct damage to follicles, miniaturizing hairs can be negatively affected by the general trauma of surgery on your scalp. So even if the doctor is super careful, surgery can still cause shock loss. What might be somewhat helpful: If the surgery is not in the immediate area where miniaturization is occurring (for example, grafting into a bald frontal area, while being concerned about miniaturization in the crown.) And perhaps not doing a very large number of grafts (a smaller surgery might be less traumatic).

Researchers might not want hair transplant patients for test subjects, because hair transplant cause scarring in the scalp. A hair transplant graft is a skin graft (which just so happens to contain a hair follicle). The scars in the recipient area may be small (and camouflaged by the hair follicle) but when you have placed hundreds (or thousands) of grafts, that scarring may be considered a disqualifier to researchers. It may be considered to affect circulation. It would also look very suspicious in Before/After pictures ("this patient obviously had a hair transplant! Test results are probably fake!")