Is a scalp analysis possible and by what doctor/specialist?


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I am wondering if there are any doctors out there (perhaps someone like a dermatologist, or maybe thats who I'm looking for) who specialize in scalp analysis.. what I am basically trying to accomplish is, I'm wondering if there is any way for a specialist to determine if hair follicles are still alive and/or resting or if they're complete unrestorable.. and perhaps the cause or likely cause of my hairloss condition..

Basically, if there is anyway to determine the above, it would certainly shed light on what options I would probably want to pursue (ROFL - get it, SHED?).. obviously if those follicles are "dead", there is no way to revive them.. and if thats the case with the majority of the thinning/balding areas on my scalp, I'd like to know now so I can quit pissing away my money on "stimulators" and start looking into other measures such as shaving my head and liking it..

and if there is a specailized doctor who can conclude this, would you happen to know if most medical insurances would cover the visit? (I have Aetna)